REG test tomorrow and Becker Final Tests

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    So I will be taking the REG test tomorrow. It is also the last one I have until I am done with the process. I’ve also only used Becker for this section. I’ve gone 3/3 with Becker on the other sections so I figured they would be just fine for this one.

    I got through the lectures fine. Usually in the 70s on the homework. I did the final review in the 70s-80s. I also did a lot of progress tests, usually in batches of 20-30 questions. On those I did 75-95s,but consistently in the 80s.

    Now I just finished the second final test to gauge where I’m at. it was abysmal. No where near passing on any of the sections or simulations. I’m honestly not sure what happened since I felt pretty confident before that.

    What should my plan of attack for tomorrow be? Right now it looks like I’ll go in hope for a miracle, but basically start studying all over again as soon as I get home and hope to get a new number and seat before of the test window. should I take my progress before the final test as a better indicator than the final test i did so poorly on? I never took those final tests on any of my other sections and did fine. I’m sure I am rambling now, but the feeling of dread is kind of overwhelming at this point

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  • #342698
    mena je twa

    After reading your post, your knopwledge is sufficient to tackle the multiple choice questions… But the factor that will make you or break you are the simulations…It will test your deep understanding of various tax topics. If you handle them decently , you will for sure pass….

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    By decently do you mean passing 2 out of 5 with a hundred percent, 1 or 2 with a 50 percent or less, and possibly 1 completely failed or a 0 percent? Is that a decent mix to pass with? I'm assuming the average percentage on sims is probably 40.



    Sorry just now seeing this. I've been kind of laying low after the test. It was brutal ,but I'm hoping that its all in my head. Just didn't feel good leaving the test.

    My practice questions never went below a 70. they were a little on the low end of 70 when i started and leveled out around 80-85 with some getting towards the 90s on occasion. the becker final test was a 57,67,38.then i got the research question, but the rest were between 40-70. not sure why there was such a huge discrepancy between all my practice and their final test.

    I haven't received my score yet of course, but I plan to start studying today or tomorrow and hope I can get a set by the end of the window. I'd really prefer not to wait until July to sit again. I could use some help on a plan of attack for the retake. I feel like I need to change my routine. I would do a lecture then do all the homework. then move to the next lecture. rinse repeat. Did the same routine on the final review. when i would do the lectures I would follow along and highlight or make notes in the book as they went through it. When I would do the home work I would try to find the answers in the book first before answering.

    After all of that I took the first Becker final test. Oddly I did way better on that one. 46,67,67. missed the research, but got above 75 on 3 of the other sims. could just be luck of the draw i suppose. after that i just did MCQs for over a week while relying on the book less and less. In fact until that last practice test I felt confident.

    So what's a good change in routine? I thought about going through the book on my own and making my own notes. Paying special attention to things i remember from the test. That part is easy, I have photographic memory, but memorizing and understanding are two totally different ball parks here. I am a little worried that some of the things I saw in the exam were barely covered in Becker. For instance I recall they mentioned that we'd be lucky to see one question about farming taxation. Well I distinctly recall 3 questions on my test. luck of the draw again I suppose. I feel like i need to really focus on sims or material that would be asked about on them. I don't have access to other material and would hate to purchase anything else this late in the game.

    Any suggestions would be great. I just want to get REG done, knock out the ethics and be done with this stuff.

    After thought edit: what about the ninja notes thing? I've seen them mentioned, but i have never used them myself. anyone think those will help strengthen my retention and better prepare me for the sims?


    I'm taking REG on 5/29 I would strongly suggest you buy the WILEY book and do their mcq's and SIMS.

    I'm thinking that a single source is generally a losing risk….despite your 3/3. JMHO of course.


    Just a heads up… you can't sit for the test again in the same window. You'll have to wait until July to re-take the test.

    REG- 2007-72,2009-72,7/8/11-67 5/19/2012-73, 11/13/2012- 80
    BEC- 2007-80 (lost credit), 8/13/11-75
    FAR- 2007-65, 10/08/11-73, 2/2/12-77
    AUD- 11/13/11- 83



    Becker with Wiley Testbank ($97 on this website) is a great combination.

    Read the book 2x, do all the MCQs/SIMs in the passmaster at least 2-3x, and keep doing progress tests!

    I used Wiley testbank and did all the tax (minus property tran – didn't have time) related SIMs/MCQs. Becker does great job with blaw so I didn't bother doing those questions from Wiley. I personally think Wiley does little better job with tax than Becker.

    As far as the final exams go, do them to learn, don't worry about the score. I picked up few minor details while doing one of the Becker final exam!

    I hope you passed and wouldn't need to take the exam again:)


    Just echoing what some of the others have said, I highly recommend the Wiley Test Bank. Like @Pele, I also passed BEC, AUD and FAR my first time using Becker, however, with REG it took for me to fail 3 times to reconsider my study materials. Becker was just not cutting it; was not prepared at all for the Sims (very out of the blue questions if you ask me) then switched to Yaeger (bought the full class which includes 39hours of lectures, the Wiley book and the Wiley test bank). It was a pain in the butt but I really felt that I understood the material instead of memorizing for the test and felt amazing after coming out it 3 weeks ago…

    But you never know, you may pass it on this try and be done!! 🙂

    AUD- 87
    FAR- 84
    BEC- 82
    REG- 69, 71, 70, 90


    well i got a 63. guess i shouldn't be shocked but its still a kick in the gut for whatever reason. right now I have the ninja notes for reg and plan to follow its formula. I'm also going to get the 2012 wiley test bank. i do have the 2011 book so im not going to get a new one. I also have the 2011 yaeger Reg lectures. Are those worth a listen? i just remember the guy doing the lecture bored me to tears in other sections.

    So my current plan is to read and write the ninja notes and do a lot of MCQ's, but also put a lot of emphasis on getting the sims down. those seem like a make or break deal there. Does that sound reasonable or do any of you have some other suggestions?


    It sounds like you had trouble with the sims. I'd make sure you understand/know all the formulas given in your review materials. I spent about 3 hours total (no more than 5 hours for any part), practicing simulations for regulation. I had the philosophy that if I understood the calculations, I wouldn't need to practice simulations much, since you aren't going to see anything similar to what your practice on.

    Reg 77 (Aug 11)
    Aud 80 (Nov 11)
    BEC 79 (Jan 12)
    FAR 80 (April 12)

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