REG: Question for anyone who used Becker and already took REG

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  • #2056691

    Hi! I am taking REG again this Thursday (failed it last qtr). Can anyone who uses Becker and has already took the exam in this qtr (Q4) tell me if the Mock exams on Becker represent the level of difficulty in the questions on the real deal? My first one I didn’t study enough and the exam felt foreign compared to the one Mock I took before the exam. I am mostly worried about sims. Sounds like they are (again) hard and seem out of no where. Just really needing some feedback to ease my nerves going in this time.
    Thank you in advance you guys!

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  • #2056700

    I did not take REG in Q4, I did it in Q1. However, I did use Becker to study for REG (and the other sections). I would say overall the mock exams for REG were more difficult than I experienced on the real exam. On ME 1, I made a 75 and a 90 on ME 2 if I remember right. I also seem to remember that ME 1 and 2 were pretty different in terms of content. So, might be helpful to go through if you want to see what various ranges of question might show up on the real exam.
    I think, generally, people expect to do better on the real exam than Becker mocks across all quarters, but maybe someone with a more recent experience will jump in for comment.


    I'm taking REG friday and I don't use Becker so I can't really answer your question @op. I do want to comment on difficulty of mock exams vs actual exams, though. The big difference I see between mock exams and actual exams is the way they are graded. Mock exams basically score you such that if you get 75% correct you score a 75. This is not how the actual exam works. The actual exam is scaled, certain questions are worth more than others are based on question difficulty (which I believe is based on past performance of people answering that question). For example we all know if you do well on the first set of MCQ they give you a more challenging second set, but the more challenging questions are worth more so it doesn't put you at a disadvantage. So while the actual exam may be the same difficulty of questions as your mock exam, you could score 75 on the mock and 95 on the actual. It's not that the actual exam was easier, it's just scored differently. Perfect example, I got a 97 on FAR and I guarantee I didn't get 97% of the questions correct.


    @Tim, Yes this is a good point. There is no way I scored any of my scores %-wise (well, maybe AUD I swear that one had to have been close).
    Also, I also noticed that a lot of times Becker would count a whole SIM more or less wrong if you miss one part early on, but I can almost guarantee that partial credit is given on SIMs on the real exam.

    Green CPA

    I also used becker took REG in Q3. Don't remember about the mock exams specifically but overall I felt they prepared me enough. I really knew their material inside out though.


    @Glopooka I took reg in Q4, I advice you to take all the mocks, although they are more difficult than the real exam, but becker's mock exam give you more ideas and hints that will help you on the real exam, also I would advice you to STUDY DRS SIMS in becker I saw close sims to them in real exam, and they actually test alot blaw like 15 mcqs or more. on my exam they focus alot on chapter three.
    and GOOD LUCK.

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