REG Experience Compared to Becker

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  • #1779940

    For the people that have taken REG last quarter or in the current one and that have used Becker, how does the exam stack up to the Becker practice problems/mock exams?

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  • #1779980

    My experience was that the questions are more difficult. The multiple choice are slightly more difficult, but the SIMS were way more difficult. The exam also hit on minor areas that Becker did not emphasize as much. I saw a lot more of pages Becker did not cover a lot, and did not see a lot of what Becker said I would almost be guaranteed to get a question on.


    Well this isn't a good sign. Usually people say that the real exam is less difficult than the practice. I will find out next Friday.


    REG was a blur for me. I used Gleim for a Masters course in Fall 2017, Becker Live/study materials leading up to my exam, and I even used Wiley’s free trial the day before the exam just to have some different MCQ’s. I went in feeling nervous but confident. Then my first two MCQs were things I had literally never seen or heard of, and that confidence immediately went out the window. I did my best, went with my gut/didn’t second-guess myself, and stayed calm. I remember feeling like all that I had studied felt elementary compared to the exam. I was expecting to not pass. However, I know people that took REG around the same time as me and they thought their exams were easy – in fact, they were afraid they failed because of how easy it felt; they started thinking they got trick questions and didn’t pay attention to wording. FYI: I passed and so did those people who thought their exams were easy.

    I did not take practice exams because 1) I didn’t have time and 2) Even if I did have time, I’d rather go into the test center with false confidence. I have read on here that people typically do 10ish+ points better on the actual CPA exam versus Becker’s mock exams. But, there’s no way to know what your test is going to be like until you get there. Just stay calm and do your best. Good luck!


    Took it last Friday, also used Becker. Becker prepared me more than enough for the MCQs, out of the 76 I flagged 8. However the Sims were difficult. All but 2 were DRS. Know basis inside and out, and to my surprise there was lots of Circular 230.


    REG is really easy except for the BLaw memorization.

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