Reg Becker Final Exam – Bombed It!

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  • #158675

    I just took the first Becker Final exam for REG after going through all of the multiple choice once and bombed it! I worked out my score to be a 41.

    Becker students – any advice on what I can do to to make sure I pass? I’m taking the test on Oct 1st, so buying another review is not an option for this test at this point.

    REG - 91 (10/1/10) // FAR - 82 (10/12/10) // AUD - 94 (10/18/10) // BEC - 80 (10/26/10)
    Becker Student in California


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  • #240158

    Go over every MC at least one more time, do all of your simulations, they reinforce the concepts in the chapters pretty well.

    While you're going through the MC the second time around, make sure to be marking the questions you get wrong/don't understand/ or feel is a great question for the topic. Go through those one more time, you shouldn't have that many marked to go over a third time. Do the same for sims – tabs you find difficult, mark down and go over one more time. I think that's the only way for you to do it, just go over it, reinforce, then go over it again. Good luck!

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010


    Keep your head up! You have enough time yet to keep working on things. I would try to get through as many multiple choice questions as you can – doing them a 2nd time can't hurt you! Also, I'd complete the simulations again…I know the multiple choice questions are what most consider easy (most except for me), and you could probably be able to pick up a few extra points on a sim.

    Just whatever you do – don't get frustrated at this point. You have 2 more weeks to go and you can do it!!


    Don't panic just yet. I calculated a 70 and 75 on them when I did them and ended up getting a 97. I walked out of the exam thinking I failed or barely passed. For other sections (like BEC) I failed both practice tests horribly and still scored in the 90s.

    41 seems to indicate you have some areas you are weak in. Look at the topics that you missed and then go back and review each of those topics and make sure you understand them. Work the examples in the book for those topics.

    My general advice for REG:

    1. Basis. Be able to work it forward, backwards, and in your sleep. This goes for all the entity types as well as well as the different transactions (going into the business, during, and ending the business). Confidence in these areas will help you immensely on exam day.

    2. Don't skimp on the law/ethics. It is a lower percentage of the exam, but it is enough to make or break you.

    3. Know the actual dollar amounts, thresholds, and phase-outs for section 179 stuff. Other topics you don't need to know specific dollar amounts; the questions will be obviously above or below threshold limits.


    Thanks for the advice all.

    I think my problem is that I kind of know most of the tax stuff, but I need to work on learning the intricacies.

    Also, the law part is killing me! Never took business law, so I have a lot to work on.

    Thanks again for the support!

    REG - 91 (10/1/10) // FAR - 82 (10/12/10) // AUD - 94 (10/18/10) // BEC - 80 (10/26/10)
    Becker Student in California


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