REG Becker Final Exam

  • Creator
  • #162884

    I received the following on REG final exam 1 (for Becker):

    % Correct

    Testlet #1 – M/C Questions 70

    Testlet #2 – M/C Questions 75

    Testlet #3 – M/C Questions 70

    Testlet #4 – Simulation 1

    “Medical Deductions” Tab 100

    “Casualty Losses” Tab 100

    “Tax Treatments 1” Tab 90

    “Tax Treatments 2” Tab 100

    “Research” Tab 100

    “Tax Issues” Tab 77

    Am I in trouble? I take the test this coming Monday, 11/21 I consistently get in the high 90’s on the 100 question Becker progress tests. Any suggestions on what to focus on from here?

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  • Author
  • #307990

    Don't worry about it. If you understand what mistakes you made in the multiple choice questions you should be fine. I got about the same scores on the becker mcq and did worse on the simulations. Ended up with a 92! Keep doing progress tests and reviewing your notes and you'll be more than prepared.

    FAR - 87 (7/14/11)
    AUD - 94 (8/31/11)
    REG - 92 (10/19/11)
    BEC - 88 (11/30/11)


    I don't think you're in trouble at all. Those are really good scores, especially on the SIMs. In my opinion, the practice exams for REG were harder than the actual exam. Good luck!


    I also got similar scores and ended up with a 92. You're doing fine


    After bombing with a 55 on my Becker FAR practice exam, I did some research and found out the Becker tests are much harder(or just graded harsher) than the actual exam. Just practice what you missed, but I can pretty much guarantee that you'll pass already.

    I got a 55 on the first practice exam, a 71 on the second practice exam, and an 81 on the actual exam. And I only scored that low because I suffered major food poisoning and ended up in the hospital the next night.


    In my opinion, you're fine. The actual exams are not % correct and the questions are weighted. The

    Becker exams would be % correct. Therefore you're comparing apples to oranges. Your scores are demonstrating you understand the material…now it's up to the luck of the question.

    If your exam is scheduled for tomorrow, actually I would recommend relaxing and giving your brain a break before you test it!

    Good luck!

    FAR - 66, 77
    AUD - 63, 76
    BEC - 70, 83
    REG - 72, 79

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