REG Becker and Wiley

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  • #171740

    While studying REG, I’ve heard to use both Becker and Wiley Test Bank. Should you use both at the same time and try to match up the Wiley Test Bank topics with the Topics being covered on Becker? Or should you run through all of Becker and then use Wiley once you’re done with Becker?

    I know this might be a dumb question, but I was just curious on what people have done in the past.


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  • Author
  • #346749

    My advice based on my experience is as follows: Use Becker for Business Law and pay special attention to the R4 ancillary material covering Professional Responsibilities and the Federal Tax Process. Use the Wiley Online Test Bank for the tax law and tax simulations. This combination boosted my score by 19 points. That's my take, and now I'll just let CPA628 double down on this shared approach.

    Texas-licensed CPA

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