Questions regarding Becker books?

  • Creator
  • #178393

    I am planning to take all exams in 8 months and want to purchase books.

    Because Becker’s review course is too expensive, I want to purchase only the Becker’s exam review books and final review books (no CD or online access).

    Is it enough to study the Becker’s books and final review only, or should I have to purchase the full course?

    Also, do the Becker’s books have MCQ or do I have to buy MCQ separately?

    Any suggestions would be great.

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  • Author
  • #424392
    GO Hawks

    In my experience the main value of Becker is the online lectures and MCQ's. The books alone aren't really enough in my opinion to prepare you for the exam. Sure, the information is all there.. but its much more effective to learn based on Becker's MCQ's, which are designed to break down the material into question format, similar to what you could see on the exam. The book does have a few MCQ's… but so few its not really anything to even consider relevant. You might want to look at an alternative approach, the Becker prestige doesn't come from the books…

    BEC 88 5/25/2013
    FAR 96 7/01/2013
    AUD 99 7/08/2013
    REG 93 8/01/2013

    Straight Becker'in it


    I agree with Go_Hawks. Basic course videos + MCQ are personally rated first in importance to preparation and book is second and third, your own research for parts that were covered briefly and you are not familiar with. Videos very essential especially for my AUD passing although it is probably greatly varies from person to person and learning styles.

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂


    I agree as well that the becker books won't be enough to properly prepare you for the exam. You would need to get the Wiley test bank or something with a lot of MCQ. I would suggest looking into CPAexcel, their course is a third of the cost of becker and I hear that they are growing and do a decent job. For what its worth, I get the CPAexcel pop quizzes every week for free (anything free is for me lol) and of the 5 questions a week, at least 2 of them I have seen from my becker MCQ. In reality most of the MCQs out there are from old tests so most materials have a great deal of overlap with their questions. Best of luck with your decision!

    FAR 66 (07/01/13), 75! (10/01/13)
    AUD 64 (08/12/13), 80! (11/23/13)
    BEC 84! (05/22/14)
    REG 77! (08/28/14)
    "Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again"

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