Question for those who have passed AUD with becker

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    I have seen quite a few people mention glem and wiley online test bank on this forum. Did a lot of you use these test banks in conjunction with becker materials? Just wondering if I do all the multiple choice in becker multiple times and read multiple times if that will be enough to hopefully pass.

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  • #267719


    I've heard several people say that Audit is Beckers best program. I have used Becker and I thought it was more than enough to pass the exam.

    My main problem with Audit was that I could narrow down the choices to 2 and then the final answer was hard to pick. This is where Beckers helped me the most. Understanding why the right answer was right and what made the other options wrong was crucial to passing this exam.

    Good Luck studying 🙂


    Becker is awesome for all sections, but specially for AUD. I only used Becker for AUD and it really helped me understand the key concepts and how to apply them for the exam.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I totally agree with Herbert7890. Becker was awesome for AUD. I got a few questions on the actual exam that were in my Becker homework MCQs.

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!


    I think Peter Olinton and Tim Garatty say that any answer with

    “all, always” etc

    is usually wrong

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!


    Okay so you all don't really think it's necessary to purchase an online test bank to use in addition to my becker stuff? I feel like I'm understanding everything pretty well just really want to pass


    It depends on how much time you have. If you can't even memorize/do everything in Becker, then do NOT buy extra material.

    I can't say I was great since I only got 76, but I only studied for a month. maybe 100 hours.

    Becker practice questions for AUD were very close to my exam questions…

    BEC - May 8, 2010 - 83
    FAR - July 20, 2010 - 75
    AUD - Aug 27, 2010 - 76
    REG - Nov 20, 2010 - 88 ALL DONE!!!


    Becker was more than enough for me. I kept falling sick and ended up with only 3 weeks to study. (3 hours during weeknight and 5 hours on Sat and Sun each).

    Watched lecture once and was scoring low 50s in Becker homework on first try. What I found useful is to read ALL explanation for the 4 choices to understand why 1 answer is correct and the 3 are not. I was able to start scoring 80s in the 2nd try few days before the exam.

    I didn't get similar questions during exam but the explanations helped to built a strong foundation to my understanding and logical thinking for audit.

    Hope it helps.


    I passed AUD using Becker. If you've done just a tiny bit of auditing, the tracing & vouching questions are not too difficult to tackle. Like Deepa mentioned, it's very much a reading comprehension exam, where 2 of the answer choices are usually easy to knock out b/c they're pretty outrageous. In each Becker chapter, there's only maybe 3-5 concepts that are being tested, so it becomes pretty obvious what the test question's purpose is. It's a very qualitative exam, so there's less technical concepts (like in FAR), and less volume.

    And b/c of disclosure reasons: Other than “experimental” test questions, keep in mind that it's VERY expensive for NASBA/AICPA to come up with NEW test questions (hiring test writers, having questions reviews for clarity, vagueness, fairness, timely concepts, etc), so these organizations stick with what's been tried and true…

    I really can't pass again!


    Becker is great for AUD. I found that after failing the first time and re watching the lectures again made me totally understand. My advice would be to watch the lectures do the homework then re watch the lectures. I did all the homework even the supplemental questions and the practice sims. those practice sims totally helped me on the last exam!!!! I gained 25 points the second time and all i did was rewatch the lectures, do the homework, and the sims. I understood things much better than the first time. It actually made sense to me. I too had the problem of narrowing it down to two answers only to choose the wrong best answer. hope this helps!

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    I use Becker for Audit, I don't even watched the lectures I read the book twice; I did all the MCQ and simulations and Final test and I passed. However for all of the other tests, I am using Wiley because Becker's for me wasn't enough

    I lost my credit for Audit and I planinig to use Becker's again.

    Good luck!

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