Question about Becker delayed shipment

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  • #1833979

    Hi all! I’m pretty new to the CPA exam. I just ordered Becker. But I chose to ship all the textbooks to me right now. I am trying to take REG in 2018 and the other 3 in 2019. Should I have delayed the shipment of the other textbooks? Will they update their textbooks for 2019? Thank you!


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  • Author
  • #1834018

    If Becker updates their course/textbook they give you the option to either purchase the new version of the books for $25 (to cover shipping) or to just downloaded the .pdf version of the textbook page changes, which is free.


    Thank you! Do you know how to send transcripts for review before applying to the CPA exam? I'm so confused and don't know how to do it.


    My guess is you need to request the official transcripts from your University to be sent directly to NASBA (if you are in a NASBA state) or your state board if not. It is going to be different for everybody I believe. The way I did it was just electronically sent my transcripts to the email address they give and the whole process took maybe two weeks (this was last July).


    It depends what state you are in for transcripts. In Texas, you mail official transcripts in with other information and an application for eligibility. There is a special process for those who have international college credits.

    I would assume it will be similar in most states, but you have to check on this with your state board.

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