Please Help Analyze my REG Becker Final Exam 1 Scores

  • Creator
  • #157299

    Becker Question –

    # of Questions # Correct % Correct

    Testlet #1 – M/C Questions 24 17 70

    Testlet #2 – M/C Questions 24 19 79

    Testlet #3 – M/C Questions 24 18 75

    Testlet #4 – Simulation 1

    “Tax Treatments” Tab 10 7 70

    “Adjustments” Tab 10 10 100

    “Med Deductions” Tab 5 4 80

    “Casualty Losses” Tab 6 4 66

    “Communication” Tab* 1 1 100

    “Research” Tab* 1 1 100

    Testlet #5 – Simulation 2

    “Tax Treatments” Tab 5 3 60

    “Deductions” Tab 5 2 40

    “Tax Issues” Tab 10 8 80

    “Communication” Tab* 1 1 100

    “Research” Tab* 1 1 100

    *: Self graded

    I had about 40 minutes left on this thing. I sit for the test in 3 days. Any feedback is appreciated.

    FAR(11/09) - 83; AUD(1/10) - 94; BEC(2/10) - 83; REG(2/10) - 88

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  • Author
  • #217798

    It looks like you missed 18 MC questions, so right at 75%. Oddly enough, you did right around 75% on the simulations as well, although notably better on sim #1. The research tabs are not graded by the software, so you have to look to see if you got those right. The written is self-graded as well.

    Did you answer the questions or have to guess a lot? Did you know and understand the concepts being asked about? On the questions that you missed did you miss something in the question or misapply the concept/rules? On the sim areas that you missed do you understand how/why you missed it?

    The areas you missed are good areas to go back to the book and re-read.

    Also, the Becker final practice exams are typically taken as harder than the actual test. Assuming a straight % correct approach you would have passed. Basically it looks like you are in good shape and now you have areas you can focus on between now and your test.


    Thanks for the Feedback Dale. Most of the ones I got wrong were due to the way the question was written rather than not knowing as I had only guessed on one or two questions. Same holds for the sims which arguably have multiple answers.

    This Saturday is my final test so hopefully I can move on to bigger and better things. i.e. other grueling certifications and licenses.

    I see per your blog that you are studying for BEC….Good luck with that and remember to read up in the Technical Addendum for IT as it is definitely a topic that is underestimated.

    FAR(11/09) - 83; AUD(1/10) - 94; BEC(2/10) - 83; REG(2/10) - 88


    Thanks for the BEC advice. I am a computer nerd on my own time so most of the info in the addendum was very familiar. Some of the 19502-1970s stuff was new-ish to me, but I've got the general feel of it.

    As to your response on the way things are worded:

    The best accounting advice I ever got was the beginning of my junior year of college. The accounting professor came in the first day and had one of those little wooden name plates. Instead of a name it had RTCDQ. He also brought it to every test for the 8 classes he taught us. It means Read the Cock-a-Doody Question. I have expanded it due to the CPA exam to also include RTCDA (Read the Cock-a-Doody Answer). It basically reminds us that failure to carefully reading the question (and answer) will cause us problems. I recently did a Google search for the term to see if it was something widespread. Sadly my blog has the top three links. It is amazing advice that hopefully will catch on and help others. (Thank you Mr. Bruce Bolick!)

    If you are like me the RTCDQ issues will be less of an issue on exam day. I know late in my studies I am flying through question after question. Come exam day the brakes come on and I am carefully reading every word.

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