[Becker] Please Help Analyze my AUD Becker Final Exam 1 Scores - Page 2

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  • #157088

    Becker Question –

    # of Questions # Correct % Correct

    Testlet #1 – M/C Questions 30 23 76

    Testlet #2 – M/C Questions 30 26 86

    Testlet #3 – M/C Questions 30 21 70

    Testlet #4 – Simulation 1

    “Excerpts” Tab 19 17 89

    “Documentation” Tab 8 3 37

    “Requirements” Tab 27 24 88

    “Communication” Tab* 1 1 100

    “Research” Tab* 1 1 100

    Testlet #5 – Simulation 2

    “Inventory” Tab 20 13 65

    “Risk” Tab 12 9 75

    “Engagement” Tab 60 51 85

    “Reporting” Tab 30 27 90

    “Communication” Tab* 1 1 100

    “Research” Tab* 1 1 100

    *: Self graded

    I had about 2 hours remaining when I had completed this practice exam.

    I have spent 105+ hours on AUD…….I dont know what else to study and I have got less than one week but feel barely prepared.

    Thank you

    FAR(11/09) - 83; AUD(1/10) - 94; BEC(2/10) - 83; REG(2/10) - 88

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  • #409058

    Zena…yes it was on the Ratios tab and you're probably mid AUD test as I am typing this so good luck.

    Vishvesh…yea this last weekend seems to be a weird one since all I feel i would be doing is practicing getting luckier in my MCQ rather than learning more…I guess ya just gotta pound out more MCQ practice. Hey did you sit for FAR yet as I rem i answered a post of yours on that forum.

    FAR(11/09) - 83; AUD(1/10) - 94; BEC(2/10) - 83; REG(2/10) - 88


    hey ILoveCPA, nope not yet…….scheduled for the 19th……thats the exam which is scaring me the most…lets see how it goes……btw have you given BEC?

    @ Zena:- how was audit?…..easier than becker?…btw i had a question on BEC…did you have a time constraint with the exam……..because i did the becker questions and was just on time……..


    In my opinion BEC and AUD offer plenty of time to complete the exam. For BEC, 50 minutes to answer the 30 questions in each testlet is sufficient for most examinees.

    BEC 8/27/2009 - 87 REG 11/9/2009 - 84
    FAR 10/5/2009 - 87 AUD 11/23/2009 - 85


    thanks wvCPAtoBE, did you use becker?


    vishvesh, all I can say about audit is good riddance, hopefully for good! The good think about audit is that you have time galore, more than you can ever want, the bad thing, it that, for some questions, you can stare at them for hours and still not make any difference. With all 3 of the others, a bit more time will get you more points, but not with audit. I had 30 minutes left when I was finished and I stretched it as much as I could. The questions were not surprising, just worded in the typical muddled way – some of them – which is what I dislike about AUD. There is plenty of time to read every question very carefully, go through all possible answer combinations on your sims and write novels on the memos if you are so inclined, which, to some extent, is comforting. At least I know I didn't leave anything unanswered. Whether it was good enough, I don't know, but certainly pray so. I was happy to find out that the research tab can be very useful as an info source for the memos.

    For BEC, I would say that the final exam questions were probably lengthier than on the actual exam. I didn't not have a time problem on BEC but I can't remember for sure if time was an issue with the final exams. Good luck!

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker



    Yes, I used Becker and feel that it prepared me well.

    BEC 8/27/2009 - 87 REG 11/9/2009 - 84
    FAR 10/5/2009 - 87 AUD 11/23/2009 - 85


    So I took the Becker final exam for audit. I did not take this exam the first time so all the questions are brand new to me. Do you think I'm ready for the exam on Monday? I so want to be finished with this exam. Studying is driving me nuts.

    Testlet 1: 18/30 = 60%

    Testlet 2: 21/30 = 70%

    Testlet 3: 23/30 = 76%

    62/90 * 60% = .4133

    Testlet 4: 97/123 = 79% * 40% = .3154

    Total weighted average is: 72.87%

    I know this is not how the actual exam is graded but it's probably some what close. I also have been told that these Becker Final Exam are insanely difficult when compared to the actual exam; which I also agree to a certain degree. I do think that I am some what more prepared this time than last. Especially since I have been studying Audit for almost four months consecutively. I also plan to do a little more studying tomorrow.

    On a side note: I think the main reason I failed was that I rushed through the exam. This time I plan to take my time and try to use all four hours.

    REG 80
    BEC 71, 80
    FAR 76
    AUD 67, 83
    I'm done!!


    When I took the AUD Becker final exam I scored at 74% when I averaged everything together and I ended up with a 83 on the actual exam. Keep studying and doing MCQs the rest of the day. Also, go over the topics you don't know as well. Good luck.


    Thanks @BHDave10. I am going to take another Final Exam tonight. I hope tomorrow I get lucky and do not get a lot of crazy questions from left field.

    REG 80
    BEC 71, 80
    FAR 76
    AUD 67, 83
    I'm done!!


    @Jambueh – your exam is tomorrow, and you are taking a final exam tonight? Shouldn't you be relaxing? You have passed 3 parts, and I have only taken 1, so I should be heeding advice from you…but isn't that too much?

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