Percentage of Becker completed

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  • #1829719

    Hi all, I am wondering if anyone actually finishes “100%” of Becker’s review course/if there is much correlation in amount completed vs actual score. For example, I feel like I almost did all of REG, yet Becker only grades me as 55% complete. Probably would be better to look at this again after I know all of my scores, I am just curious.

    REG: 55% complete, score 98
    BEC: 42% complete, score 96
    AUD: 31% complete, score TBD (June release)
    FAR: 23% complete, score TBD (June release)

    I feel great about AUD, not so much on FAR. I will update this once I get my scores back, just wondering if I am inevitably doomed on AUD and FAR for completing less.


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  • #1829741

    Did not use Becker but that's impressive to get a 98 on REG with only 55% complete on the course.
    23% complete is a bit sketchy, hopefully you found a way to beat the system.


    well, if you didn't do the SIMS but read the book and did MCQ ad nauseum, it might have been ok…I did all of Becker for all the sections and failed FAR the first time with a 69…and I used Ninja to supplement for all sections…That indeed is impressive…


    I passed FAR on my second attempt with an 84 and according to Becker I have only 36% done. I did basically no SIM prep in my first attempt so I deservedly failed.

    The percentage is for the Becker promise I believe. You have to do 100% to get a an extension if you don't pass in 180 days.


    Makes sense, I didn't watch lectures in any of the sections really (1 or 2 in REG probably), I just read the book, and I didn't do any SIMS for AUD or FAR. I did all the MC in each section, so hopefully that was enough for AUD/FAR.

    I definitely got lazy on FAR- I didn't do any of the mock exams on it, so I really have no idea to gauge how I did lol.


    I think the lectures in Becker count for something like 25%-30% of the percentage completed and the skills practices count for like 10-15%. The SIMs and Mock exams are another 20-25%, I think. So if you only did MCQ's, a few SIMs, and 1 or 2 lectures those percentages are probably accurate.

    With the scores you have in your signature, whatever your method is, I would keep it up and not worry about percentages.


    I got through 36% of BEC and got a 79 but that was my 3rd time taking it after losing a score from years back. I finished 96% of AUD and got a 77 this was my first attempt, FAR i think i went through 60% ish and got a 79 granted That was my 3rd time taking the exam.

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