Ninja Notes vs Becker

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  • #2125470

    I am restudying for FAR and found that rereading the Becker book was a waste of time. So invested in Ninja for the notes. Heard they were really good. Although it is broken down differently than Becker CPA Review. Does anyone know how the Ninja notes align to the 10 Becker chapters? Really wanted to still do both hand in hand and continue doing the Becker mcqs as I read through my notes and Ninja notes/mcqs. Thanks! Any advice you got, I’ll take it. 2 weeks out on my retake and not feeling confident at all. Still have a lot of review to go!


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  • #2125599
    Mike J

    Honestly, I'd forgo Becker all together. It's an incredibly expensive collection of memory tricks. It was an almost 1500 per section coloring (highlight and underline) book.

    Instead, just go with NINJA MCQ along with the notes. Becker was severely lacking in actual substance for me. Then again, I wasn't yet working in Accounting so I had no other frame of reference to the material.

    Up to you, but I HATED Becker. I wish I found this first. My school pushed Becker (probably a sweetheart deal).


    I strongly recommend Becker. I work in public accounting but I have only taken one exam. I read the book twice and did all the MC questions multiple times and the results speak for themselves.


    If I were you, I would just do as many NINJA MCQs and TBSs in the next 2 weeks as possible. Make sure to hit your JEs hard as well.


    2 weeks of Ninja MCQ and Sims!!!

    Biff Tannen

    You seriously can’t compare the 2. Why take a chance on Ninja when you can have the best review course out there? Ninja is good for additional practice, but it’s not on par with Becker materials.

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