my 2 cents about Becker and how I use the material

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  • #179873

    I have passed Bez (82) and Reg (85) within 65 days by using Becker only.

    First of all, 20-28 hours/week high efficient study is a must for me to pass the exam.

    Becker is not perfect. It does not cover all the materials in the exam but as long as you deeply study each question and know the key point of each question. You should be able to pass the exam. I do 4 rounds homework questions . During the first round, I have to use the text-book for almost each question. I spend around 4-6 hours on each chapter and correction rate is below 70%. During the second round, I use text-book for 50% of the question and the correction rate is around 80%. During the third round, I use the text-book for less than 10% of the question and the correction rate is above 90%. During the fourth round, I barely use the text-book and the correction rate is above 90% and finish 2 chapters within 6 hours. . The last step is the final review question and mock examination. I do three times of those then I go for real exam.

    Do not not memorize the answer but understand why is the answer.

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  • Author
  • #435167

    Wow, nice. what about sims?

    Last chance

    I agree with your strategy Feifei

    But most importantly, people needs to hear ur last words

    “Do not not memorize the answer but understand why is the answer”

    Cause i did becker mcq about… 6-7rounds now

    But as u see my results, i wasnt being efficient

    I learn my lesson so hopefully i get this one right THURSDAY!

    Good luck everyone !


    Great post! I'm new to the forum and just started studying for FAR and I haven't been using the textbook on the first round of questions and I have been doing miserably! Like 30-40%, but I guess on the 1st round without the text it isn't too bad, but I have been looking for methods that others have used to pass and/or fail 🙂

    As of right now I am using the NINJA notes, and Becker and trying to keep a “notes” notebook and a “fact nugget” book for my wrong answers and really trying to understand the concepts. I'm on week 1, so keep us updated on how your doing 🙂


    @ feifei1975 & CPAattheBeach which method of Becker are you using? did you take live courses, self study or online?


    I am using self-study, which most of the people I know are doing the same and have had a lot of success with it. I really like the NINJA notes too though I am not done writing them out yet, but I will finish soon 🙂

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