Long Commute – Becker Videos or NINJA Audio?

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  • #176069

    I have a 3 hr drive tomorrow morning and am trying to decide if it would be better to listen to Jeff’s audio notes or a Becker lecture. I own both and would find both helpful. NINJA Audio would be more comprehensive, but knocking out a Becker section that would go in more detail would be helpful as well.

    I’m studying for REG if that helps, at all.

    BEC 81
    AUD 76
    FAR 70, 76
    REG 58, 78! DONE!

    "I am not my intentions. I am my actions."

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  • Author
  • #396660

    If you're doing the driving – ninja audio because it was designed for auditory learning.


    I vote Ninja. Save an in depth review for when you can take notes. Plus, it will be good to hear the information summarized from multiple sources.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    Ninja Audio is the best way to sneak extra prep into your day without anyone noticing or adjusting your schedule! I have an hour to 1.5 hour commute each way (and I live in Michigan so I can say in the snow, uphill both ways, ha!) depending on traffic. I can listen to the entire audio for Audit in 4-5 trips to work!. The level of Becker detail will not help as you are still driving and may find it hard to tune into that much detail and focus on the road, at least for me! Ninja audio is in plain language and easy to follow while I drive, plus it reinforces Ninja notes and flash cards.

    I used Ninja Audio as part of my REG prep and I couldn't have survived business law without it!

    Good Luck!!!!!

    REG: 75 DONE πŸ™‚
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE πŸ™‚
    BEC: 76 DONE πŸ™‚
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE πŸ™‚
    Licensed Michigan CPA πŸ™‚
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    Ninja Notes are good for long commutes imo.

    AUD: 2/28/2013 - 86
    FAR: 10/19/2013 - 83
    REG: 1/6/2014 - 80
    BEC: 2/27/2014 - 81

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