LIVID with Becker – What can I do?

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  • #159057
    VA CPA 079

    Ok so here is my dilemma:

    My company purchased Becker CPA Review Course Materials for me. Unfortunately, I didn’t get around to studying for the exam until this past July. As a result, I didn’t activate my software until July

    I called Becker today and they said they will not allow me to upgrade to the new materials and software because my 18 month window was up. However, I still have an active license and I guarantee you that my company paid just as much for the old as they would have for new materials.

    So basically I am screwed and the only option is a “50% discount” – $1,580 for all four parts. Since I am taking FAR (god help me) next week, I will only need 3 parts if I pass for 590 each…..whether I pass or not it seems like I don’t get a discount since buying three separately will amount to more than $1,600.

    Has anyone else been in this situation? I was so mad on the phone I didnt know what to say. I am sending an email to my company but it sounds like they can’t do anything about it. Is there any type of software I can buy just for 2011 information?

    Any advice or help is appreciated….Trying to cool down! Taking FAR next Tuesday isn’t helping my nerves either….

    Created with Compare Ninja

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  • #256041

    I believe Jeff endorses the Yaeger program. You'll see lots of advertisements for it on this site. You might want to send him an email

    BEC - 86
    AUD - 94
    REG - 88
    FAR - 89

    75 CPA

    Warning! Becker does not sell you their review materials. They only lease the materials to you for 18 months. I hate this policy!

    This is my warning to all CPA candidates:

    Do not buy the entire set of Becker’s CPA review materials (3065)! Only buy one section at a time, if you intend to purchase Becker ($1,085). Buying all four sections of Becker at one time will cost you money, not save you money. The Becker CPA review materials expire after only 18 months!

    There is no such thing as free Becker materials if you fail a section, even if you send in a performance report showing that you completed 100% of the lectures, and got 90% of the homework multiple choice questions correct. It is going to cost you $250 ($155 for new materials plus $95 shipping) per section ($1,000 total). If you did not send in a performance report, it will cost you a “discounted price” as a former student of $550 ($455 materials + $95 shipping charges). That is a total of $2,200 for all four sections!

    Yaeger only charges $25 for updated materials! Yaeger also does make you send in a performance report. Additionally, Yaeger updates their lectures every year, and there is no time limit on the Yaeger materials!


    I feel the need to express my disappointment with Becker as well.

    I ran into two problems. I can vouch for everything that 75 CPA said. I ordered the 4 part self study with all the bells and whistles, final review, and note cards back in May. I thought I was saving money by purchasing all 4 parts as well as the fact that they offer recent graduate discounts which expired after a certain amount of time. I was feeling good in the sense that they said that you could switch study methods for free one time during your license window. I felt that eventually I would want to do the live in class courses in 2011 for the changes to the test and the fact that I would have more time set aside for class. In class was my preferred method but I was just too busy this year.

    I took FAR and BEC in Q3 and failed both. I just couldn't get into the material. During this time I found and found that Yeager may be more my type of review. Think college course and less review/memorization course as it was described in many places on this forum. I called Becker to return REG and AUD as they were both brand new and shrink wrapped. Negative, you have a 10 day window from the time you receive your material to return it. I was a little miffed but said ok, I should have researched that first so I just kept studying.

    So about a week ago I decided to check into the switching study methods one time for free. I am taking my last test of the year on Nov. 18th and figured I would start to register for the live in class course. Negative, you can not, repeat can not go from self study to any other method of studying. Maybe it was my fault for not clarifying that I intended to switch in January but I thought I was covered under being able to switch for free once. They said that I would have to pay exactly what 75 cpa said. Even if I gave them a print out of my performance report showing 100% lecture and 90% MCQ's they were still going to charge me exactly what was posted above me. If I didn't turn in my performance report I would basically need to sign up again as a return student.

    The only only thing that saved this situation is that I have a great Managing Partner at the firm I work at and he said he would pay for my live courses. Otherwise I would be screwed and have to cough up all that extra cash.

    So please think about this as I didn't when I bought my cpa review. Just to clarify I am not disappointed in Becker material I just think that Yeager fits my needs from watching their sample lectures on their website.


    Not to sound crass, but this time line for Becker was written out in detail when you agreed to the conditions of the “lease” agreement. You probably shouldn't have ordered the materials for 2009 if you weren't going to get around to studying until 12+ months later. Life happens, stuff intervenes, I understand, but this isn't really Becker's fault.

    You're going to have to bite the bullet and either repay for the Becker course or purchase the Yaeger Review Course.

    Created with Compare Ninja

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