Just got 19 consecutive Becker REG MCQ’s incorrect

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  • #2892834

    And this is after I meticulously read the lectures, watched the Becker videos, made the annotations, and took notes. 19 in a row! Is there a point to even reading the material if I could actually guess my way to a better score? How do people retain any of this information? I’m 80% sure I’m going to no-show REG in a week because I feel like the mental damage from failing another exam isn’t worth the off-chance that I may pass.

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  • #2893383

    Yikes, as someone that is just going through the Reg material and hasn’t worked MCQ yet… this is scaring me


    I've found out of all the studying, reading and note taking, we must do the mcq's and unfortunately we will get some of them wrong. Depending upon the volume of questions. You might have to put more into doing the questions and you might have to reschedule reg unless you're going to be relentless on the mcq's and not worry about the how many wrong. I went through that so many times and shied away from mcq's because of wrong answers, but really its the only way you'll know if you understand what your reading and if your notes are any good. I no showed several times as well and chalked it up to not enough time to study. Yes I was determined to take my part anyway because it's paid for, but the real problem was putting in enough time toward study including the mcq's. Good luck.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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