Just finished the full becker course…

  • Creator
  • #159093

    Becker Question –

    Holy cow, I just finshed my last section of REG r-7 and have been through the entire program once. I started in July and now I’m finished (I hope). All I have to say is that was a TON of material I just tried to cram in my brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE

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  • Author
  • #256645

    Hi there, fellow Wisconsinite! I just finished the complete Becker program too, and I agree 100% that it's a LOT of information. I'm sitting for my last section, BEC, in about 36 hours – yikes!

    Just wanted to tell you, great job! Others in your life may not realize what an amazing feat you've accomplished, but all of us folks around here sure do!

    Good luck on your upcoming REG exam!


    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    I haven't started REG yet, but is it possible that it is MORE information than FAR?! (I am assuming you already took/studied FAR because of your sig)


    No it isn't more information than FAR. It just isn't as cohesive.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    I think the Becker book provides/supplies you with WAY more material than they test you in the actual exam for REG. You'll see… ALOT of info in the book won't even come close to being on the exam.. but know it anywy.. it's always hit or miss. For my exam, I felt the MCQ were word for word from Becker. I did the Becker MCQ a billion times 🙂

    75 or bust

    Go through it again! You won't remember it all after so long. Keep studying up until the last minute!

    NOVEMBER 2003 - AUD 69 - LPR 62 - FARE 66 - ARE 57
    2010 - REG (90) - AUD (91) - FAR (93) - BEC (89)


    REG I found to be very easy because I'm comfortable with tax, and law is my other interest. I agree that Becker does tend to go a bit far and above with some examples to really drill the point. And that's a GOOD thing.

    Just take your time and breathe. It will all come together! 🙂

    REG - 97
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 86
    AUD - 96 ... DONE!

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