Is Becker CPA Review worth the money?

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    I am wondering if there is anyone who has used other review courses and then switched to Becker CPA Review and passed? This exam is starting to take its toll on me as I failed BEC for the 5th time this score release. I am beginning to think it is time for a change. I know a lot of firms have a discount with Becker so that is why many people go with Becker. The price tag is high on Becker but where I have spent so much money on review materials I qualify to get in 50% off. I am just trying to decide if this is the right decision. Any feedback would be appreciated. I am really curious as to those who converted to Becker.

    Thanks so much everyone!

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    in a single word: no.

    You can make due with Wiley books/online and jeff's ninja notes.

    Have you passed any sections yet?

    BEC- 80
    REG- 68, 71, July
    AUD- 61 , 84
    FAR- -- 75 🙂


    I passed REG and Audit but unfortunately just lost my audit credit due to lovely BEC this score release. I was cramming to take FAR at the end of this month where my audit credit was due up on 11/30 but now I am debating on moving FAR till early January to prepare adequately. But then I was thinking take it on 11/28 find out if i passed or failed a few days later and if I failed then take it again in January. I swear this exam is one big mind game 🙂


    @rmm91909, um… the final call is yours, but i used Becker for BEC and i passed (with decent score) on my first try. Most people have said that Becker is good for Audit, but I used it and failed. Also most people have said that Becker is bad for BEC but I passed. I think it really depends on your own. But I would say give Becker a try.

    PS: I wish I can take BEC for you and you can take AUD for me, haha!! Good Luck!!


    My friend and I both used Gleim and failed several tests. We both then decided to try Becker after taking a year off. She passed all four parts her first time and I have passed three parts the first time. I am having trouble passing AUD though. I thought it was worth my money, but it depends on your study habits.


    I feel as though I have good study habits. I am very dedicated and spent about 20 hours per week studying. BEC has just owned me the whole 18 months really. I got a 68, 71, 72, 74, and a 72 this last time. I think I just need something to put me over the hump. It is killing me! I have been using Yager but I think it is time a switch up atleast for BEC.


    @atelery did you use Becker for FAR?


    It depends on your study habits. I've passed FAR and BEC with the wiley book and online test bank. Becker is overpriced.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012


    I think Becker is overpriced as well. When I started this journey Becker was the only one I knew so I did it, but I am finding I am doing better with Wiley and Gleim and they are a whole lot cheaper. Wiley and Gleim seem to go into so many different variations of questions and I found Becker limited in someways.

    I think it is just a hard question to answer as what may work for one person may not work as well for the other.



    Hmmmm. Becker is expensive. I got it from the firm I was working at, still with the discount, it was expensive. I used Becker for BEC and passed, but for me, I think I need more teaching. I think the subject matter was more to my liking, so that helped. Becker seems to be more of a review, so it depends on what you need at this time.

    Forgot to mention, for BEC, I used Gleim's free trial. I thought it was great. I was testing really high on Becker 80-90 and felt like maybe I had memorized rather than learned, so Gleim was a great add. I felt like their testbank was hard, but really good practice. I do think that you are right maybe taking a break from Cindy and trying something new is the ticket. If anything it will help rejuvenate your mojo!

    Not to stir the pot, but have you thought about going for Audit first? Since you have passed that before, maybe getting a win under your belt might help you get back to attack BEC?

    I have to admit, I wish it was easier trying to figure out what to do!


    Yankee its tough because I have and NTS for FAR right now. I am thinking that maybe I will move FAR to January to really give myself the time it really deserves now that audit is lost. I am only half way through the homestudy and haven't touched the MCQs yet. I haven't taken FAR yet but from what I read it doesn't sound pretty! Then I was thinking of taking Audit in February even though its tax season but atleast it isn't the crazy part of tax season yet!



    I understand, you have a full schedule. I will say that Yaeger is what got me to pass FAR. Cindy was great on that. Her notes were fabulous, and her detail was great. I used both the course and cram for that one.

    I will try and find the thread that helped me with FAR. I got advice from (CPA23, I think?) and she said to ditch the course, use the cram, and she said to do little 20 mcq practice on a subject until you master it then go on. I will try and find it and post it on this thread for you….have to get to the library now. It was a big help…..and it worked! If you use this, you could still sit on the 28th. I mean, what do you have to lose? So, when is BEC?


    Not to sure when I am going to aim for BEC again to be honest. I think I need a break from it. Maybe in May, wow that sounds so far away!



    Ok, at library. I found the thread that was a real help for FAR for me. I realize that we are not one size fits all, but you might find one or two things helpful. Certainly, her attitide helped me alot, she was convincing!!

    here you go!


    Thanks Yankee! Have a good productive day at the library!



    Yes, I used Becker for FAR and passed, but don't purchase it, i too think that they are overpriced. But because BEC is a beast to you, i think it is good for you to switch.

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