Is Becker worth the money?

  • Creator
  • #161693

    Becker Question –

    I just found out I didn’t pass AUD and am thinking about investing in some new study materials (currently using Wiley textbooks). Just trying to figure out where my money is best spent. Any insight would be helpful.

    B - 76 (expires 4/30/12)
    A - 56, 82
    R - 65, 79
    F - 74, 72 (4/18 waiting)

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  • Author
  • #295292

    Yes. Get the Becker home study course. I also suggest an online testbank and Jeff's NINJA Notes (really cheap – well worth it). Sorry that you didnt pass. Use it as a learning experience. Good luck!


    Yes, I used Becker and it was great. They really nail down the most important topics.


    I thought Becker was great for Auditing. I felt very well prepared. I'll see how I did in the next 24-48 hours!


    I also found Becker to be great for AUD.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    Good Study Habits + Becker = Higher statistical chance of passing.


    Becker was great for Audit. The first time around I made a 62. However, this was 10 days after I had to have my dog put down:( I took Audit again on 7/31 using Becker . I received my score just a little while ago and made a 78.


    I think if it works for you, Becker is good. It costs about $1000-1200 for application and examination fees not including a review course. Becker is probably the most expensive but they offer big discounts through the accounting firms and other organizations you might be part of.



    I thought Becker did a great job in preparing me for audit. I would really recommend it, even though it's a bit expensive!

    Good luck with your exams!!!

    FAR - 07/08/11 - 86 (Becker Fast Pass)
    REG - 07/27/11 - 91 (Becker Fast Pass & Ninja Notes)
    AUD - 08/13/11 - 93 (Becker Fast Pass)
    BEC - 08/31/11 - 90 (Becker Fast Pass)


    never thought id speak this highly of them… but check out cpa excel

    REG - 81
    BEC - 88
    AUD - 85
    FAR - 81


    I poked jabs at becker along the way mostly because I couldn't stand listening to lectures (except peter olinto who was ok to listen to). Looking back, I think it was good study materials. I definitely have no regrets buying their system.


    Yes. I used them for all four sections and have to say that they own AUD and FAR, very good for REG, and good for BEC. I also think that Yaeger might be a good companion (BEC and FAR at least) for those that have never seen some of the material.

    CA Candidate
    REG 93
    BEC 87
    AUD 98


    Becker alumni here. I highlty recommend. I am working full-time and the home study course prepared me very well. I started studying for Regulation in February 2011, finished last section (Business) in August – seven months in total.

    I received my last two passing scores today – passed all four parts in one try. I recommend the final review and notecards as well. Great investment!


    I keep hearing Becker is great for AUD.

    I didn't used Becker but I highly recommend Yaeger for BEC

    For FAR.. I passed but I didn't exactly loved my study material.

    FAR - 83 - 05/23/2011
    BEC - 85 - 07/02/2011
    AUD - 79 - 08/13/2011
    REG - scheduled Oct 10

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