I took BEC this morning….thank you Becker

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  • #160156

    I took BEC this morning. Becker materials were spot on. There were maybe one or two questions that had my head tiliting sideways. Even the writing tasks were simple. I just ran out of time on the very last one:(

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  • #281450

    niceee!!!! did you use the latest becker?


    I did use the 2011 materials. I also bought the Final Review which was VERY helpful. I consider that purchase a must.


    That's good to hear candothis!!!! I'm taking my exam in less than 3 weeks. I'm also using Becker 2011 material.

    Do you have any tips for us?

    -Do I need to memorize all the formulas or did you find that there were more theory questions?


    Good luck!!!


    Taking my BEC in 5 weeks and got started three days ago. This is my first exam! Any advice? Purchased the note cards but find myself making my own anyways.

    Congrats and thanks in advance!


    The Real CPAs of NJ

    Blake – I am on chapter 3 of BEC right now, so I cant really speak for BEC yet, but for my first exam I studied for 2 months and barely finished the material because my strategy was so off. I would watch becker lessons, then go through and make notecards, then do the questions. I ended up with somewhere around 200 notecards. Then for audit i made probably around 20. Now for BEC I am making 0, just using the “notes” section in becker for anything I feel is critical. So anyway, my advice would be to focus the most on the questionsm, as they are the best indicator as to what you really know vs. what seems familiar as you read about it. It might be a rude awakening when you get that feeling on the exam like “ohh I recognize all of this but I just cant remember the answer”. Make sure to read the explanation for the correct responses as well as the explanations as to why the other responses are wrong.

    Anyway, I hope that helped. Keep in mind that different strategies work for different people, but hopefully this gives a little bit of a foothold to begin with. Good luck buddy..

    FAR 11/22/10 - 81
    AUD 01/05/11 - 80
    BEC 05/17/11 - 81
    REG 08/29/11 - NTS #450xxxx


    @Blake & @whishing My recommentation is to memoize EVERY formula and EVERY mneumonic. I personally found making note cards to be cumbersome. Instead I wrote out my formulas and mnemonics on legal pads. For me those are easier to carry around than notecards. I did however buy the Becker note cards and have those on my night stand and review those before I go to sleep. Nothing will put you to sleep faster!! I know Becker stresses that their chapters are in outline form, but I still did my own outline. Very time consuming but going back through the chapters and making my own outline just reinforces the material. I have separate legal pads for formulas and mneumonics. My current strategy is this: Listen to a section within a chapter, outline the chapter, and then do the MCQ's. I do this for every chapter. Oh one more thing I have found VERY helpful is recording the formulas, mneumonics and other infomation. I did this for BEC and listened to these over, over and over. You can maximize your time this way. I've have listened to my recordings on the way to work, taking the dog out, going to work out, doing laundry, getting ready for work and even laying in the sunbed. I even found a way to listen to it at work. Last Saturday before I took BEC I was able to study this way for about three hours on test day!!! As I posted before, I also purchased the BEC final review. I went through this review twice, reworking all the MCq's, I know, I have no life whatsoever. I feel like this strategy helped for the writing portion of the exam as well. I am using this same strategy for REG right now.

    On another note…… I took my exam last Saturday in Chattanooga, TN. I forgot my license so I had to go all the way back to the testing center to get them. I stopped in a little town called Ringgold Georga to grab some lunch at Hardees. Today that business along with so many others have been destroyed by an EF4 tornado. Many lives have been lost as well. Please keep these families and this community and all of the other citys acrosse the South in your thoughts and prayers.

    Good luck on the exam!


    Glad to hear that Becker was such a help. I'm studying now for BEC on 5/13 using Becker. I'm also going to try some of candothis' tips. Thanks for the advice.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    Took BEC today, and have to completely agree 100%!!!

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