How to Study for Bec(Becker)

  • Creator
  • #2171509

    Good Morning,

    I have been getting through all the BEC material here over the past three weeks. I have been going through and listening to every lecture and am almost complete with finishing all of them. My next step is to begin knocking out the multiple choice and the sims. Is this the best way to study or would y’all suggest not listening to the lectures and just read the book and do multiple choice questions. This method seems much quicker, but I am open to suggestions. I am trying to sit for BEC at the beginning of February. Thanks for the help!

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  • Author
  • #2171563
    Jimmy Dugan

    I would say it just depends on how you learn best. I did roughly half the lectures in BEC, using them primarily for areas where I didn't understand the book. The lectures were a huge help for me in the econ and costing sections, not quite as useful in other areas like budgeting and financial ratios. You're already done with practically all of them anyway, so I wouldn't adjust course now. The main thing that helps me is doing the homework right after either reading a section in the book or watching the lecture. That's what helps it stick.

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