How is my Becker Final Exam scores?

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  • #174383

    Becker Question –

    This is my second Final Exam. It only took me about 2 hours and 45 minutes.


    MC1 (30/22) 73%

    MC2 (30/14) 47% ugh

    MC3 (30/20) 67%









    I didn’t think the MCQ were that hard but I bombed them. I calculated this out as (Avg MCQ *.60) + (Avg Sims *.40) and got 73.5% Kind of discouraged since I didn’t even Pass but I got 4 more days to study.

    How much time do you all spend going over and re-attempting the MCQ during the exam? I kind of feel like if I don’t know, I don’t know it and I move on and not waste any time.

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  • #379862

    I actually don't find the sample exams in Becker to be all that helpful. Yes, it is good to see a different batch of questions and sims, but I have not found my score on those to be very indicative to my scores on the actual exam. I took the audit practice exam the day before my actual test and got around 74-77 percent, ended up getting 95.

    My advice would to just use it as a tool to identify problem areas and study the questions you missed. Hope this helps.



    Thanks a lot! I just did another one and came out with a 71% grr. But i reviewed the MCQ and now im going to go back into the areas and re-work them.

    The only good thing is it does give me new MCQ, I feel like all the HW ones for Becker are simple and I easily score 85-90% on those but these are much harder.


    Those are a lot like my scores so don't worry too much. Just go through them again and see what you got wrong, also do the AICPA questions

    Good luck!

    Licensed - 2012


    I think it is important to spend a little time on each question to determine whether you can reason through the answer by examining the question closer. I cannot tell you how many times I have found the correct answer by doing this. I almost never think “either I know it or I don't”. I know you can't waste too much time on doing this on too many questions, but sometimes something clicks on that second or third read-through. At the very least, take your best guess but mark it and come back to it if you have time to see if something will click then.

    One of the issues I have dealt with are those questions that say “Which of the following is NOT true?” As I look through them, I might be a little unsure as to whether they are true or not and keep reading through the list. All of a sudden one jumps out at me that is definitely true and I jump on it! That's the right one! ………….only to realize later that by the time I got to the end of the choices I was looking for the one that WAS true and got it wrong!

    You have to be careful with your time with FAR (and the Becker exam is NOT a good gauge of how long the actual test will take – the SIMS are shorter in Becker). But you also don't have to RUSH through everything – just pace yourself and give yourself time to think. I believe I left myself about 90 minutes for SIMS – 2 hours would have been nicer, but 90 minutes got the majority of it done. I would guess 45 minutes per testlet would be about right. Good luck!

    FAR - 92 (4/27/12)
    AUD - 96 (7/17/12)
    BEC - 92 (8/30/12)
    REG - 91 (11/12/12)



    Thanks that is excellent advice.

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