How do Becker Final Exams compare to the real deal?

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  • #178443

    Going in for REG on Tuesday… how do the Becker Final Exams compare to the real deal?

    On the M/C these were my results:

    Exam 1

    Testlet 1: 58%

    Testlet 2: 89%

    Testlet 3: 79%

    Exam 2

    Testlet 1: 79%

    Testlet 2: 67%

    Testlet 3: 62%

    Think this is enough to pass? When doing these final exams I don’t spend time double checking my answers but always do so on the exam.

    These are pretty similar results to my FAR final exams and came out of that exam with a 91. Your advice is appreciated!

    FAR - 91
    BEC - 89
    REG - 85
    AUD - 8/6/13

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  • #427729

    It sounds like you already know how they compare, but I do the same thing before test day. I took my FAR finals today and failed in the 60s. But the same thing happened with BEC and we just have to trust that we did our best and go work through this stuff one last time.

    BEC - 83
    FAR - 83
    REG - 74, 78
    AUD - 76

    Becker Self Study


    Test 1: 75%, 79%, 75%

    Test 2: 79%, 83%, 58%

    Our averages are very close. I hope this is enough for the both of us! Taking REG tomorrow, good luck to you

    FAR 92
    AUD 99
    REG 94

    Becker Self-Study, Wiley Test Bank

    Texas CPA

    I had low 70s on my Becker reg practice exams and made an 82. I predict you we ill make 87+

    Reg - Passed 82 Nov 2012 - Becker
    Aud - Passed 86 May 2013 - Becker
    BEC - Passed 88 Aug 2013 - Becker
    FAR - Passed 88 Nov 2013 - Becker

    Texas CPA


    I think someone else posted here summed it up rather nicely.

    The becker final exams are meant to scare you, they're meant to be tough. It is a two part ploy, the first part is that they want you to feel like you should keep studying (Which is good!). The second part is that they want you to feel like you need to purchase their final review (Which is bad!). You don't need to purchase their final review. I did for FAR and it was a piece of #$^%. If I were you, I'd either purchase the wiley test bank, or just go over your text and notes.

    You're gonna be fine!

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    Thanks for the comments! Hope you all are right. I'll update tomorrow with thoughts after leaving the exam.

    FAR - 91
    BEC - 89
    REG - 85
    AUD - 8/6/13


    I am on my third third exam now and every time I get to that 1 week to go time period and take the practice exams I usually get a unpleasant slap in the face. No matter what people say or how many of these exams I have passed I still struggle to convince myself that Becker's really difficult and I am actually doing well.

    What I have found is that the practice exam is useful to help you find areas that you aren't strong in. The questions that make you cringe in discomfort are areas that you DEFINITELY need to work on. In my experience the real thing is pretty similar.

    That being said I am struggling with trying to juggle all the Reg topics in my head if anyone has any advice on how to keep all the tax and B-law rules straight I would greatly appreciate it. Because I am all over the place and this is not helping my pre-test nerves one bit.


    My opinion from passing FAR and BEC is that the real exam is easier to eliminate obvious wrong answers. Becker will hit you with very slight variations of different answers which are much harder to rule out wrong possibilities. On the exam, if you are familiar with the topics, it is easy to eliminate one at a minimum, usually two can be eliminated with relative ease. With Becker you can be sitting there and think all four answers sound good.

    I agree with REG. It is hard to keep all these rules straight. I am pretty comfortable with the law section but find myself feeling less confident with the tax question.

    I talked with a friend that left the exam today and he said know the major AGI limitations but do not waste time on all the dollar limits for a given deduction/credit. The questions are pretty simple calculation wise and do not require much time. If you are familiar with the topic you should be able to eliminate down to two answers.

    FAR - 91
    BEC - 89
    REG - 85
    AUD - 8/6/13


    @getthiscpadone, your probably right the exam is such a world wind its hard to keep track of what is happening. Thanks for the advice good luck.


    @peetree: the real exam scared me more than Becker :(…sigh I wish I could go back in slow motion. I know I'll wake up in the middle of the night and realize what I put wrong! Haha

    FAR 92
    AUD 99
    REG 94

    Becker Self-Study, Wiley Test Bank



    Well ruh roh.

    I guess I'll keep plugging away at this wiley test bank. I'm confident in the multiple choice as i've been scoring consistently in the becker mcq progress tests anywhere between 90-100 and on wiley questions that i've never seen, I'm currently scoring a 90%

    What scares me is wiley has a lot of questions about real-estate and property law that becker didn't even touch, I have a background in real-estate so some of them come easy but others are just out of nowhere.

    I'm just scared about the sims as they're always something you've never even seen before.

    Less than 24 hours before I put the “ear muffs” on *Nervous*

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    I think you will be we'll prepared. Spend some time at the end just reading through the chapters, good luck!

    FAR 92
    AUD 99
    REG 94

    Becker Self-Study, Wiley Test Bank


    Just got out of audit a few hours ago (my first exam). Took becker fast pass and felt more than ready based on the becker material. Took both practice exams and scored 85% on both of them. I struggled through the real exam though. Not feeling good about it at all. Felt blindsided by most of the questions and not confident that I was prepared even after going through every audit becker mcq 3 times in the last 2 weeks! I guess I'll have to wait and see, but feeling discouraged right now.



    Test 1 – 86

    Test 2 – 68

    Actual exam – 85


    Test 1 – 86

    Test 2 – 76

    Actual exam – 97

    B - 85 (4/2013)
    A - 97 (5/2013)
    F - 83 (7/2013)
    R - 8/2013

    Becker Self-Study


    I don't try to pay attention to the scores that are given at the end of my practice exams…the only thing i worry about are the questions I got wrong. I don't pay attention to the scores, because I believe they mean nothing compared to the CPA exam scores. Try not to let the scores on the practice exams scare you, just go through them just to get more knowledge about subject areas you may be weak on. This is what I have learned from using the NINJA method. I was like a couple of you thinking I need to do well on my practice exams or I will fail the exam. Unfortunately I failed my AUD exam, but I failed to apply adequate and sufficient study sessions aka not enough MCQs and not rewriting my notes.

    I really do think if you follow Jeff's NINJA path, you can successfully beat each exam on the first try. I am currently rewriting the NINJA notes, along with taking MCQs while writing down little fact nuggets about the questions I got wrong, or questions I got right but just because I took a lucky guess. Pretty much anything I didn't understand from the question. Also, in reference to AUD, make sure you know the vocabulary of AUD. I have come across tons of MCQs and if i understand the wording they used, the question would have been easy as PIE. 😉

    Good luck to all of you with your future exams!!

    REG - 2/27/2013 - 78!!!!
    AUD - 5/17/2013 - 72...Retake July 12th - 79!!!!
    BEC - 8/29/2013 - 77!!!!
    FAR - 11/14/2013- 72....Retake February 28th - 80!!! DONE!!!!

    AICPA Ethics - 98!


    Becker Finals must be harder because if people did really well on them and then didn't do well on the actual CPA exam, Becker would get a lot of complaints. I definitely think they try to scare you a bit.. they should be harder.

    FAR 7/3/13 - 82
    BEC 8/21/13 - 82
    AUD 10/2/13 - 92
    REG 12/3/13 - 88

    DONE!!!! CA Candidate
    Beat the 12/31/13 clock!

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