Help with REG Becker MC Solution PLEASE!

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  • #173155

    I want to punch my a hole in my computer screen working some of these MC that the solutions don’t make sense. Becker makes you pay all this $ yet can’t even phrase their solutions right.

    To make it easier for you to see the question and solution, I’ve attached two links where you can see the actual screen I’m looking at.

    For this one:

    Where the H*LL do they get Income from Partnership A of $20,000? The question states that income is 50,000 from partnership A

    For this one:

    Why in the H*LL isn’t the homeowner’s exclusion allowed? They’ve lived in the house for the past 10 years

    Is there somewhere that lists all the errors in the Becker solutions? I shouldn’t have to spend time researching incorrect stuff in the software after spending over 3 G’s on this B.S.

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  • Author
  • #361558

    Lol we literally just encountered this question:

    For your second question, I'm confused. The homeowner exclusion of $500k for MFJ does apply…that's why the gain they should recognize is $0.


    The first question is a mistake by Becker. Sometimes the answers are wrong in Becker. Don't know why…you would think that if you're spending 3 grand on it it would be perfect but its not.

    On the second one though, you missed the question stem, which is how much gain would they recognize. They recognize zero because of the exclusion.

    B- 8/13/2012- 92
    A- 7/19/2012- 83
    R- 5/30/2012-82
    F- 7/3/2012- 90


    The first one is an error; I ran into that one and I remember being mad about it.

    The second one is correct. They recognize $0 gain because of the homeowner's exclusion.

    They have a potential gain of $274,000, which is less that the $500,000 MFJ exclusion on the sale of their personal residence.

    Hope that helps.

    REG: 7/3/12- 89
    BEC: 7/30/12- 83
    FAR: 8/31/12- 84
    AUD: 10/6/12- 76
    ETHICS: 95


    *smacks self in the head after realizing my misunderstanding of question 2*

    Thanks guys, I thought the first one was a simple error but didn't know if I was right or wrong.

    This site is great for assistance with CPA questions. I applaud you guys for the quick help.


    REG kicks ass…

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