Friday night date with Becker CPA - Page 2

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  • #157913

    Becker Question –

    Anyone else out there cool like me and studying at their dining room table on a friday night? Boooooooooooooooo. I can think of 1000 things that i would rather be doing right now, and that is a very low estimate. Oh well, back to the books.

    REG - 77, AUD - 85, BEC - 75, FAR - 80

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  • #234202

    just opened up becker for an awesome intimate date with audit.

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    You have a good chunk of time. Just keep at it and be consistent in your studying. But, ya FAR is too thick of a book. I was so happy when I went to the AUD book after I finished FAR.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    I wonder why the AUD exam is half hour longer than the FAR exam…..

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    From my studying I think it is because there is just more of a fundamental framework to auditing but actual types of problems can vary greatly and take some thinking and outlining to solve. FAR is a bunch of subjects and types of transactions to test. AUD has concepts to apply to potentially many situations.

    That's the differences I perceive. I do find myself having to think more with AUD than simply trying to remember how to solve a problem out with FAR.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    I have to give it to ya ItalianCPA, you're no joke! 2 in July AND 2 in August?!?!?!

    May God bless you!


    My dining room table fun for AUD will start tomorrow! My boyfriend doen't watch tv unless i watch it with him (he needs company while he watches tv lol) so I watch my becker videos on a 46” tv. So he sits there with me pretending he understands pension accounting better than me (he is a graphic designer). I own the dining table till 12am or later daily! Fun times!


    big shot cpa

    Does it help the learning process to see Peter and Tim on a 46″ screen?


    I remember being VERY supportive when my wife studied for the BAR exam….

    Now she tolerates my studying, but would not like to see Peter Olinto or Tim Gearty on out tv…

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    haha, I cannot even imagine seeing those faces on a huge screen like that…

    my friends are guilt-tripping me into going out to a party Saturday…but with the FAR test next Thursday, I should probably just back out last minute, shouldn't I? Feels like you can never study enough for this beast.

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010



    Be good – skip the party and study. Then go out or to a party after the FAR exam. Would hate to lose those study hours just before the exam. Good Luck!


    I say you can justify going to a party if you get up early and study most of the day Saturday. As long as you don't stay out too late, you can still get good study time in on Sunday too.

    All work and no play makes Jack a bad boy. 7 study hours in one day is about my max.


    yeah i hear you. i have my final audit class that day (double header from 8:30 – 5), so I guess I will have earned my time off! I just have to be careful to not get too hammered and lose all the progress lol

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010


    @ joohj1187 – SKIP THE PARTY!! lol šŸ˜‰ There will be plenty of time for that after you pass your last part in November šŸ™‚

    REG 79 (Becker); BEC 63 (Becker) 70 (Yaeger); AUD 66 (Becker; 11/30 - Becker); FAR 11/24 (Yaeger/Wiley)


    @cpa journey

    it does not help to see olinto or gearty on tv for sure, but since i don't even talk to my boyfriend while i study, he'd rather have them as company haha. I think he likes those guys (-:


    I'm doing AUD lectures and actually Gearty is a lil more fun. You can tell he clearly enjoys auditing. I would not want him as an external auditor at all. He would be a big pain in the a$$.

    Ok, back to A2 now! I'm new to auditing. I started yesterday. Seemed very boring at the beginning. It's definitely very wordy, but it makes a lot of sense (% of guessing right when you have no clue is much higher than FAR, I noticed) and it's kind of interesting, too.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95

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