For students who have taken FAR using Becker

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  • #158380

    Quick question…. have you guys seen questions on the actual test that are very similar from the Becker test bank?

    How close do the becker questions represent what you guys saw on the test.

    Thanks. I’m just trying to see how i should spend the last days studying for FAR….

    Should I just do the multiple choice? or study subject content.

    Also, I bought the final review for FAR and plan on starting that 2 days before the 30th, which is my test date. Is this smart?

    Thanks guys…

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  • #237341

    I'd recommend doing questions but make sure you know the concepts BEHIND what you're doing. I think I figured out how to answer Becker's question or just remembered the answers so when I got to the actual exam and saw slight variation on the questions I kinda freaked 🙁

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    I used Becker, it was my first exam. I think I did well… should see in a few days (hopefully didn't fall into Wave 2). I would recommend doing the final review a couple days before that even, I think it took me almost 16 hrs to get through it all. I thought the exam questions were similar to the Becker questions…. try using to make sure you just aren't memorizing the questions/answers…. Good luck!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96

    peter olinto fan

    i thought the becker questions were a lot like the actual exam questions. some were almost verbatim, so that was nice. like forida candidate said, make sure you know the concepts behind the questions, and i think it is good to read why the answer is correct and why the other ones are wrong. that helped a lot.

    FAR - 81
    BEC - 73, 73, 79
    REG - 72, 75
    AUD - 72, 68, 82



    i actually saw one question EXACTLY the same as becker (though it was a pretty simple question), but otherwise, I think becker prepares you adequately if you put the time in. Of course, if you get a simulation like mine, then you can proceed to cry at your testing station.

    Regarding the final review, dont even bother watching the lectures, they literally read the book out loud to you and go over the questions, which are just as well explained by reading the written explanations and going through the questions.

    Make sure you know the concepts, the big items like leases, bonds, governmental, cash flows…they will test you a little on everything. Focus on doing the hard MCQs, the final review is decent for that. Good luck!

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010


    Questions were more or less close but not exactly the same. But Becker MCs do teach you how to solve problems.


    I just have to agree with everyone above stated… the exam is completely an understanding of the concepts and implementing them into the different scenarios of the exam whether in the questions or in the sims… Sims were a little easier in that.. the questions kind of gave you a place to start


    One question was verbatim, and it was about concepts so the mnemonic helped a lot.

    Then there were a lot of very similar questions with different numbers involving calculation.

    In AUD I found at least two questions that were exactly the same. They were tricky and I remembered getting them wrong at the first try in becker, so those were free points for me.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    Personally, I thought the exam mc were MUCH easier than the mc in Becker. Becker's questions, sometimes were lengthy and, sometimes trick questions, and extremely in depth. My mc questions on the exam were extremely straight forward, almost easy, and simple. As for the material covered in Becker, it was great. There was probably 2 questions I had no clue (or never seen the material). I LOVED Becker . I watched the lectures, and made a ton of extra note cards, in addition to the Becker notecards. I would print screen during the lectures and then crop the notes from the file and print them into note cards. My study process was tedious and a lot longer, but paid off! I would spend one day ‘getting through' the lecture of a chapter, and printing my additional note cards, and the next day was spent memorizing the note cards and journals entries and doing the mc. I memorized over 1000 note cards for this exam! Not only was my brain overwhelmed, I would wake up in the middle of the night stressed because i was unconsciously reviewing info in my head!

    As for the SIMs Becker provided at the end of each chapter. Those were EASY compared to what I actually had to tackle on my exam! The hardest part about the my FAR sims on my actual exam were that the instructions were hard for me to understand… I wasn't sure what they wanted me to do. Overall, my studying def paid off! I felt really confident on the mc sections, and had NO confidence on the SIMS. I had to make up numbers, and think I even left a few of the tabs blank! Regardless I'm a FAR grad as of today yayyyy :):):

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