For Becker Users – AUD Section – Lectures - Page 2

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  • #162328

    Hello everyone!

    I have the AUD section on November 30th and I am just starting to study today using Becker… for all those curretntly studying or passed AUD with Becker, how helpful did you find the lectures?? I am wondering if I should skip them granted I have limited time to prepare. What do you guys think? Also, any helpful tips on how to organize my studying for this section would be greatly appreciated! So far, I have read good reviews on people using Becker to prepare for AUD


    Class of 2012

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  • #304504

    If you ABSOLUTELY do not want to listen to the lectures, it's possible to also look at the “review pages” for what the important highlights and notes are for each section, and marking up your book in a similar manner, and then reading the book thoroughly. OH, and his “videos” are really helpful (you know, when he just chats away from the book…) Good luck! I'm taking it on November 11th!

    *New York*
    AUD 74, 88! 04/02/12
    BEC 75! 08/30/12
    FAR 68, 73, 83! 10/27/12
    REG 80! 11/24/12


    "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.” - Wayne Dyer


    The AUD lectures with Becker are very repetitive but it works to your advantage. After completing the lectures you will realize that you have retained the material because of the repetitions. I wouldn't skip any lecture, they are long but I found them to be useful.


    Thanks guys, I guess I'll bite the bullet and watch the lectures!

    Class of 2012


    I scored a 93 on AUD using Becker. The lectures were very helpful, DO NOT skip the lectures. Tim is basically reading the book out loud, so you are going to have to do that anyways. I think it saves you time more than anything. There will be some pages where you feel like he has you highlight literally the entire page. But there will also be places where he makes notes or has you cross out things and I believe those can be big time savers. Good luck! Focus hard on F4


    @Youngbizman thanks a lot! Wow! A 93 is impressive! How long did you study for AUD? I have about 5 weeks left before the test and am kind of freaking out! Also, how did you organize your time as far as watching the lectures, doing MCQs, reading the book, reviewing, going over SIMS etc! Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Class of 2012


    Thank you, I was pleased considering I walked out feeling like I may have failed haha. I studied for 5 weeks also, but I was able to put in 3 hours a day so I probably ended up at around 100-110 hours. How I organized it was for each Module and subsection within that module, I watched the lecture, read the material, did the MC, then moved on. At the end of each Module I'd do the Supplemental questions as well as TBS for that module before moving on to the next. After getting through all the material once, I went back through and reread everything and took quizzes on each subsection. Usually on the quizzes I would only do 25-50% of the questions as I didn't feel the need to re-perform every single HW question.

    If possible, leave yourself about 4 days before the test. So say you sit for it on Friday, I would do, Monday – Take Practice exam #1, Tuesday – study and work on TBS you struggled with on Test #1, Wednesday – Take Practice exam #2, Thursday – touch up on anything else you struggled with, but mostly let your brain rest and try to relax and get a lot of sleep!

    The key with audit is leaving yourself a lot of time for the TBS so that you can use the research tab. I will also warn you, don't get discouraged if the TBS on the CPA are wayyyyyyy harder than what was in Becker, just work through them. I was a little shell shocked myself and wasted time I didn't need to. Best of luck!


    @Youngbizman thanks! I will follow your plan! I also plan to study about 3 to 4 hours a day during the week and a lot much more during the weekends, and hope to perform as well as you!

    Class of 2012

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