FAR – Becker vs Actual/Review Tips

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  • #2743257

    I have been studying for FAR for a while now and I am finally in the review stage.

    I have been using Roger CPA review but I just took a Becker practice exam the other day to get a feel for the timing and where I’m at with the material. I heard Becker is usually more difficult than the actual exam and I remember the first time I took Reg (although it is expired by now), I got 67 in Becker but 78 on the actual exam.

    I did not do well at all on this first attempt on the practice exam and I had forgotten a lot of the earlier material despite rote memory of key formulas/concepts.

    Now I’m feeling more overwhelmed about my upcoming exam. Has anyone who has passed FAR had this happen to them? I plan on taking additional practice exams as I continue to re-review some of the earlier material.

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  • #2743317

    Well i got a 83 on Becker's mock, that's pretty high you would think so i am in the safe side right?! Wrong
    Nearly run of of time on the actual thing did the last testlet just to submit, i literally can't even remember what answers i selected.. Took me hours just to recall the questions, so its
    really depends on the person, mocks worked good for the majority here but not for me, lets see how it turns on November 5th.
    The mock was definitely harder than the actual btw.


    There is no proven direct correlation between the actual questions and Becker mock questions. Questions that appear on the actual exams are total different from Becker mock questions in terms of wordings, content areas etc. It is only the examiners who know the questions that drops on the exams. Doing the mock exams is good for timing and a “feel” of the format of the actual ,which you can even get them from the AICPA sample questions and release questions. Getting a poor score on the mock does not translate into a fail in the actual exams and vice versa. Just keep working on the Blue print that is the surest way to pass. Of course with the help from the Becker ,Roger, Ninjas ,Gleim etc review materials .Remember nobody knows which questions dropped on the actual exams except the examiners and those who just sat for the exams. Good luck with your studies.

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