FAR – Becker Partnership MCQ WTF

  • Creator
  • #2090010
    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    Hey guys,

    So I’m getting the basics down of partnerships in terms of bonus method, exact method, and goodwill but does anyone use Becker?

    The mcq’s i feel like they are asking stuff that was not even in the textbook or using things in the questions that we have not even learned yet following their chapters in order.

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  • Author
  • #2090295

    Partnerships have not been heavily tested in FAR historically. Don’t beat yourself over the head over it. Get the basic concepts and move along, IMO


    There is a very good SIM VIDEO DEMO on Partnerships with Becker instructor John Brown who goes over the Bonus and Goodwill Method which helped me understand.


    I agree the MCQs for this chapter were insanely difficult. Sometimes Becker picks a random topic to bust you on, and I'm not sure why they picked partnerships. Not heavily tested material, but if you are comfortable with what's in the textbook, you should be fine.

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