FAR – 3 weeks out – still getting through Becker homework

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    Becker Question –

    I’m taking my FAR exam on 8/31 – And I still seem to be slowly working my way through all of the homework questions.

    I actually counted today and including the “optional questions” there are 1,879 questions.

    In all honesty – How can people possibly get through all of these and then still have time to go through them a second time? I’m not sure the best way to proceed in these final 3 weeks.

    Any advice?

    I passed BEC & AUD by just doing the HW over and over and over, but with FAR there are way too many questions.

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    I'd say just keep plugging away at them. If you get through them all once, that's probably almost as many questions as your multiple times for something like BEC (my FAR had about as many questions as yours, but my BEC just about 600 something, so if your BEC was like mine, then going through FAR once is like going through BEC 3 times!). Personally, I always strive to be able to tell myself that I've gone through all the questions once…and it sounds like you're still trying to at least get once…but if you finish that once the night before the exam, that's still getting through them once.

    So I'd say that if doing MCQs worked well for you before, then keep doing it! Get through them as quickly as you can, of course, but don't stress if you can't do them over again before your exam. I personally think that you'll learn more from doing 1879 questions once than 940 questions twice!

    However, I'm not familiar with Becker's course structure fully. Does doing the homework including SIMs or just MCQs? If it's just MCQs, then I'd suggest trying a few SIMs from somewhere else (practice tests or something?) just so that you have a feel for those too.


    I am right there with you. I am taking FAR on 8/30 and I am only half way through F4. I already know I am screwed so I am just working through the material like I am taking it at the beginning of October instead of the end of August. lol

    But in your situation, I would just keep working MCs and hope for the best.

    AUD 73 (Aug 12) 77
    BEC 66 71 (Nov 12) 80
    REG 54 81 (May 13) 81
    FAR 63 (Dec 13) 75 TEXAS


    @TripleNetAcct Don't give up yet! You've got 2 1/2 weeks left to go…you can do this! (Unless you can just reschedule for Oct, in which case that might be safer…but if you're going to take it in Aug, then don't give up yet!)


    There seems to be a common theme on this one! I'm taking it 8/31 and I'm just starting F4 today. My saving grace (I hope) is that I rushed through this back in March so I could get the credit I needed to meet the state's educational requirement, so I have at least seen the material before. But the bad thing is I figured since I would come back to it I maybe didn't pay *quite* as much attention to the material as I should have… Oops. Some of it stuck, and some it didn't…

    I glanced through F4 earlier and it seems like a breath of freash air after F3 (which confused me mightily).


    Glad to see I'm not alone here 🙂

    F4 is indeed a breath of fresh air. Probably my favorite section along with F1.

    F2, F3, F8, F9 were definitely the worst for me. The Gov't stuff just because it was so dry and boring.

    IDK – Just seems like way too much stuff to possibly get through. I hope there are others who have walked into this exam feeling MEGA unprepared but still managed to pull it off.


    Hi! I'm taking FAR on 8/24 and I'm going through all the questions and the optional questions too. It is a lot. I hope I can get through everything so I can pass…


    @Lilla – That is just the kick in the butt I needed. I am going to knock out F4 today and tomorow. Then 2 power weekends to get me through the material. A week to review is not what I had in mind but I am going to give it my best shot and see if it is possible for me to finish a test in a little less than a month. lol


    AUD 73 (Aug 12) 77
    BEC 66 71 (Nov 12) 80
    REG 54 81 (May 13) 81
    FAR 63 (Dec 13) 75 TEXAS


    Keep pushing through TripleNet!! You are so close to the finish line. Tackle MCQs and Sims and write the fact nuggets. Review notes every night before you go to sleep. You can cover a lot of ground in the time remaining. TIP: my doctor recently told me that B Complex vitamins help with memory!

    Good luck!!


    Im right there with you guys. I take FAR on august 29th. Scared to death of it. Audit (Which was my first exam) was so much easier to study for. I feel like a truck hit me everytime im done studying for FAR. Im on F9 right now which is governmental and NFP. Problem is, ive been losing my motivation as the test nears. What do you all do for motivation?! do you think 2 weeks of review is sufficient and how many hours a day should I be pounding out in these last couple weeks?

    AUD - passed
    FAR - 8/29
    REG -
    BEC -


    If you need motivation –

    inspirational video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Sw3wQXC2EI


    @Seaner56 – When I have the time, I try to redo every question at least one more time by chapter in the same order. If you have flashcards, use em. I have always used Jeffs Ninja Audio and I really like it. It pounds concepts into your head. This is the first test I am not using the audio but feeling good about concepts up to this point. I might still buy the audio but not sure yet.

    AUD 73 (Aug 12) 77
    BEC 66 71 (Nov 12) 80
    REG 54 81 (May 13) 81
    FAR 63 (Dec 13) 75 TEXAS


    Two weeks prior to taking my FAR exam I felt like I had so far to go and didnt feel I would pass the exam. I shared this with my wife that sunday night before going to bed and she encouraged me to take that next week off from work to cram. I went into the office that next morning and talked to my boss about taking the rest of the week off to study. He was very sympathetic to my plight and was completely fine with me taking the time off at the 11th hour. I spent the next five days secluded in my studies, spending time in a coffee shop and the library until it clicked. It was if a light bulb went off as I worked thru countless mcq's and simulations. Boy am I glad i took that time off! I really believe I wouldn't have passed if I hadn't taken that time off.

    You don't have to have all the material down completely. However if you work your tail of finishing off the mcq and try to get through all the sims you have a very good chance of passing! Part of my motivation was not wasting those three personal days I took off from work hehe. There is so much material covered in FAR and I was especially surprised by the sheer amount of IFRS questions.

    Just give it your all and do your best! I left that Prometric test center completely unsure if I had passed. I felt numb as I walked outside into the sweltering 105 degree weather. I remember sitting at the local tap house sipping a beer with family in the area just completely at a loss as to how I had done. Driving home that night I felt pretty hopeless about my performance. In the end I found out a month later when the scores were released that I had passed. Point is, no matter how lost you feel a few weeks out you always have a decent chance at passing. Don't underestimate what a little motivation and hard work can do for you. Good luck with your exam!


    @DJN and Triplenet: Let's push it through the final stretch!

    I am scheduled for FAR on 8/26/13 (in 2 weeks!). I am wrapping up F3 for Becker review. F2 and F3 have been killers. So far I have input approximately 45 hours of study, and I am planning for about 100-110 more, which equates to approximately 15 hours a chapter. I have time off of work for the next 2 weeks, which gives me a strategic advantage.

    If you guys don't mind sharing, approximately how many hours have you inputted for FAR thus far (no pun intended), and how many hours are you budgeting to study additionally before exam day?

    I know that in ideal circumstances we would probably have planned to study a lot more for FAR. However, time is of the essence and we are down to the wire.

    Best of luck to everyone studying!



    Thanks for sharing your story! This is very motivating as I am two weeks out as well. On your days off, how many hours a day did you push yourself to study? Thanks. I wish you all of the best on REG in October!


    @Readytopassthecpa – I probably put in a good 10 – 12 hours on those days I took off. Thanks I appreciate it! I'm going to need all the luck I can get on REG as it looks like a beast. I'm especially scarred on the sims as I hear those are brutal.

    By the way on FAR I received more than one research sim. Thought that was kind of cool as I felt as if each research area was relatively easy to identify. I prioritized the sims by working the easier ones first and saving the harder ones for last. A couple of them were just ridiculous. Give yourself enough time on those as you will need it. I believe I had an hour and a half left to work on those and I used every last second of my time without having taken a break.

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