Does Becker make BEC seem harder than it is?

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  • #1762780

    I had been looking forward to BEC because I thought it would be a total breeze. However, the MCQs I get in Becker CPA Review make me wonder how difficult the actual exam is going to be in comparison. In past sections, the exam was easier than the review material, but I am feeling like I have to memorize things rather than think logically. Does anyone have some input/advice from past experience?


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  • #1762864

    I took BEC in February. I used Becker and got a 52 on mock exam 1 and a 64 on mock exam 2. I passed the actual exam with an 89.

    I thought the actual exam was easier than the review material. For me, the Becker MCQ's were harder than the actual exam and the Becker SIMS were about on par with the actual test. The writing section is pretty much free points. I printed out Becker's responses to the writing prompts just as a guide for how to frame my answer. My actual responses to the writing prompts were much less detailed than Becker's examples.

    For the MCQ's – I would say know the COSO framework, ERM, and IT sections very well. A lot of people will say Becker is lacking in their coverage of the IT subject matter, but I thought they did an adequate job covering such a broad subject. I did get 2-3 IT MCQ's that I had never seen in the Becker material, but I was able to narrow down the choices to a 50/50 guess using what I did know.

    For the SIMS – I would say know the cost accounting variance material very well. PURE DADS was a savior here. Half of my SIMS centered around direct cost accounting variance material.

    There is a spreadsheet floating around on the internet somewhere where a guy keeps track of everyone's Becker mock exam scores vs. actual exam scores and BEC by far has the biggest “bump” up in score among the 4 exams. The average “bump” up in score between the BEC mock exams and actual exam is something like 24 points. My scores went up 25 points, so I can personally attest to this being true.


    I didnt think it was harder/easier…I just thought it was surprising. I didnt realize how IT/economics oriented the actual exam would be. I think Becker does a good job with preparing you with ALL possible topics, but somehow the actual exam seemed to be slightly more focused on IT/econ for me. I think if you do well on the Becker practice exams, you should be able to do well on the actual exam.


    Zach what is PURE DADS?


    The whole mnemonic is actually SAD PURE DADS

    SAD = Standard – Actual = Difference

    P = Price = Difference x Actual
    U = Usage = Difference x Standard
    R = Rate = Difference x Actual
    E = Efficiency = Difference x Standard

    This mnemonic also helps with figuring out whether a variance is favorable or unfavorable too.


    ^ I legit laughed out loud. Well done.

    Overall…I was satisfied with Becker. I did the work. I passed. I was less thrilled with the organization in BEC…and, to some extent, REG…some of the lecturers were BRUTAL. But…I did the work, I passed.


    That mnemonic saved me on a few questions. It was super helpful.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo

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