Difference in becker final exam and progress test scores

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  • #177843

    I did the final exams in the Becker and took a exam in wiley (did better in wiley, but not great)…. and the scores are horrible compare to the progress test…. exam is around 70 while the progress tests are around 90….. i don’t know what to make of this….

    also I dont know how to study for the simulations… i do the ones provided but what are the odds i will get something similar…. any advice what to do?

    2 days till exams and having a mini melt down….

    should i continue just doing progress test and not focus too much on the final exam an simulations or work more simulations? I am so lost

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  • #415926

    I took the Reg exam yesterday. I studied with Becker and took the becker final exams. In my opinion, the mutiple choice questions on the exam are somewhat easier than the Becker final. The SIMS on the other hand were brutal! I really don't think I passed the exam…

    From my previous experience (BEC and Audit), I have scored 10 to 15 points higher on the actual exam.

    I averaged 76 on the first reg final in Becker and 73 on the second. I'm praying for a miracle and hoping that past trend holds!

    BEC 80
    AUD 86
    REG 84
    FAR 80



    @ Susan….. i m so worried abt the SIMS…..I dont even know how to prepare for them….. when i work on the becker and wiley sims i feel like i m wasting my time….. so confused on how to send the little time i got left


    @ Susan….. i m so worried abt the SIMS…..I dont even know how to prepare for them….. when i work on the becker and wiley sims i feel like i m wasting my time….. so confused on how to send the little time i got left


    The majority of the SIMS I had were actually covered in Becker. But the questions came with a twist and that's what completely threw me off.

    The research tab might help you somewhat. For a couple of the questions, I was able to verify that I did a poriton of the question correctly…. a portion of the question, not the entire question 🙁

    I don't know if there is a way to prepare for the SIMS. But keep working on the MCQs in Becker and Wiley. That would help solidify your understanding of the material. Essentially, you need a good understanding of the material so that you aren't stumped by the twists they throw at you in both the SIMS and MCQs.

    BEC 80
    AUD 86
    REG 84
    FAR 80



    Personal experience:

    REG Practice #1: 75 83 83 (Testlets) 100 40 60 80 100 100 (Sims)

    Practice #2: 75 87 67 (Testlets) 0 92 100 100 60 100 (Sims)

    Actual result: 84

    AUD Practice #1: 80, 93, 90 (Testlets) 70, 100, 62, 80, 93, 80, 100 (Sims)

    Practice #2: 76, 80, 93 (Testlets) 100, 90, 60, 75, 30, 90, 100 (Sims)

    Actual result: 99

    BEC Practice #1: 91, 91, 91, (Testlets) ???? Essays

    BEC Pratice #2: ???????

    Actual result: ??????????

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