Difference between Becker and Ninja Answer- REG

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  • #2174086

    Becker: R7-M3 page 2: Duress
    Becker specifically says that a contract is void if duress was related to physical harm.

    Ninja: Blueprint Area: 2 B i : Formation
    Question: Johns leased an apartment from Olsen. Shortly before the lease expired, Olsen threatened Johns with eviction and physical harm if Johns did not sign a new lease for twice the old rent. Johns, unable to afford the expense to fight eviction, and in fear of physical harm, signed the new lease. Three months later, Johns moved and sued to void the lease claiming duress. The lease will be held:
    Answer: Voidable because of Olsen’s threat of physical harm.

    What is correct? Void or voidable?

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