Can I use 2011 Becker software for my 2012 test?

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  • #163728

    I was originally planning to take AUD and FAR this fall but life interfered and I only got AUD taken. Unfortunately, I failed to reschedule my Becker online class until it started. Now I’m stuck with 2011 Becker study materials for FAR.

    What do you think? Will my 2011 software and textbook prepare me well enough to pass a 2012 test in Jan or Feb? Or should I look into another review course (probably wouldn’t go with Becker, too much $$$).

    REG: 90, 8/27/11
    AUD: 91, 11/30/11
    BEC: 92, 10/6/12
    FAR: 91,11/3/12 DONE!!! PTL!!!

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  • #312527

    I'd say you're ok. I'm using the 2011 Wylie book for Auditing that I'm taking the beginning of January. Usually when they make new changes to exams it doesn't happen much in the first window (so I'm told). I think you'll be ok! I would just watch the forum and other places of any updates that anyone might tell you are coming in 2012.

    F - F ('12), 90 (Dec '15)
    A - F ('12), 73 (Feb '16), ? (July '16)
    R - 87 (May '16)
    B -


    I would think you should be good to. The biggest difference between the 2011 and 2012 tests should be IFRS questions actually counting instead of just being pretest.

    FAR 2/25/11 - 86
    BEC 4/8/11 - 87
    AUD 5/27/11 - waiting
    REG - Date TBD


    Hi everyone..I was also wondering the you all think it is OK to use 2011 Wiley test bank for BEC..the updated one comes out in Feb 2012 and I will be giving BEC then….any thoughts? Thanks and good luck!

    AUD- Failed 3 times, 81 5/30/12
    REG- X3:(
    BEC-X1 🙁

    Finally passed my first exam after 2+ years of agony! I refuse to give up! Bring it on!

    Mr. Tran

    I have the same question as reyortdor.

    I took FAR in 2011 but didn't pass after studying with Becker 2011. Should I get the Becker FAR 2012 for the next testing window in February? Will it change that much?

    I did noticed many IFRS questions that Becker seemed to miss for their 2011 material.


    just make sure you download and install the update which is available on becker's site

    Bec 4/11/11 91
    Aud 7/11/11 75
    Reg 8/31/11 80
    Far 5/24/11 86
    Ethics - 98
    California Licensed CPA
    Illinois Registered CPA


    I called Becker to see if I needed the 2012 book. They told me the 2011 will be fine to use, and that any updates to the material will be on their website. Hope that helps!

    AUD 81 (X4) Previous scores 59, 72, 72
    REG 80 (X3) Previous scores 59, 60
    FAR 75 (X2) Previous score 67
    BEC 79 (X2) Previous score 58


    There is a way to install the updates from the becker site? I only seen where they tell you to print the updated material and put it in your textbook.

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