Bombed Becker REG Mock Exam 1

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  • #1753083

    Hello all,

    Long time reader first time poster. I’ve been studying REG for the last 2 and a half months (had to take a couple of weeks off towards to the end of my busy season in February.

    Anyways, I took my first REG mock exam today and made a 51%. I’ve never done all that great on the other mock exams I took for FAR and BEC (passed both first try), but I never did this bad. My exam is on April 18th, and I just wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience with not doing very well on the mock exam and then passing? If so, what were your study tactics up until exam day?

    I’m really just looking for a confidence boost after taking this mock exam this morning, and I’m also considering not taking the 2nd exam, all Becker does his ruin my confidence.

    Thanks for the help.


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  • #1753085

    What were your weak areas? Maybe you have one topic you switched things around and got all the items wrong?
    Were the SIMs fairly/accurately graded?

    I know Roger SIMs if you got one thing wrong the whole SIM was marked wrong.


    Don't worry about it too much. I never did the practice exams – IMO, they're a waste of time and you could be getting a much better return by continuing to review and practice MCQ's and SIMS with instant feedback. Plus, the study courses and NINJA questions are more difficult than what you see on the actual exam.


    Absolutely do not worry about this! I had a very similar experience with BEC scoring in the low 50's on a mock exam 2 days before my exam completely making me question my understanding of the concepts. I ended up receiving a passing score as I tried to block that mock exam out of my memory going in on test day.

    Stay confident and continue to study – do not allow this to diminish your confidence! Best of luck!


    I will keep reiterating to people – do not worry about your score. The information gained from these is far more important. Use it, identify where you need to focus and do it. You've got plenty of time!


    Update: Went back through my Mock Exam this morning. Turns out on I one of the sims I put 0s in some of the cells Becker wanted to be blank and didn’t put negative sign for a some of the numbers (directions were not clear at all). With adding those back in, I ended up with a 71%. Feel so much better about this score now. However, there are some areas where I have to improve. So, I’ll definitely be using you all’s suggestions to hopefully pass this exam.

    Thanks again!


    I scored approx. the same thing on my FAR Mock 1 exam on Becker, and winded up getting an 80, so I think you'll be fine.

    Just keep at it.

    Think to yourself… “oh man, I hope the exam doesn't ask about _______ or _______.”
    whatever you hope will not be on the exam, review those subsections immensely, and do a bunch of multiple choice questions.

    Also, if you haven't already done this, go through the exam questions. Take note of what you got wrong to understand them, and take note of questions you got right, but guessed or were not completely sure of to understand also.


    I've bombed every Becker Mock exam I have taken. 51 on far mock 1, 65 on Far mock 2, 68 on audit mock 1, and 65 on audit mock 2. Ended up with an 82 on both exams. I find I don't try as hard on the mock exams…I just want them to be over so I rush through.

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