Becker vs Ninja

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  • #1831757

    Looking for some input on the benefits of Ninja. I currently have been studying only with Becker materials. I’ve been looking into Ninja and think it would be helpful to add in to my studying or if anyone has experience with only using Ninja. Just trying to figure out my best studying plan to knock these tests out this year! Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    FAR – Fail.
    BEC – Release date 6/28/18
    REG – Not taken.
    AUD – Not taken.


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  • #1831774

    Lot's of people use both … more and more people are going full-ninja.

    Take the plunge – if you don't like it – we have a 30-day no-drama refund guarantee.


    Becker+Ninja = passing score. I absolutely loved Ninja MCQ during review phase and honestly don't think i would have passed had I not supplemented with Ninja.


    Used Becker (primary) + Ninja (supplementary) for FAR and passed with a decent score. I also used them both for AUD, and I hope to get the same satisfactory result as well.



    How did you combine them (i.e. use NINJA MCQ's the week before the exam)? I'm not familiar with NINJA as I'm solely using Becker but if you had a good approach combining them, I'd love to hear it!


    I love the ninja book and the MCQs. But I also love the Becker lectures so it made sense for me to have both. However, if you want to save money I would just buy Ninja because theres a lot of overlapping between ninja and becker.


    If you need video lectures to learn, go with Becker. If your preferred learning style is reading, go Ninja. I tried both and preferred full Ninja!


    @Greg – I used Becker to watch the video lectures, complete homework MCQs and SIMs until I went through the entire material. When it came to do my review phase (2-2.5 weeks out prior to the exam), I did endless MCQs from both Becker and Ninja. Long story short, I mainly used Ninja for additional MCQs.

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