Becker Sim Solution vs Actual Exam

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  • #1761983

    I’m working on one of the Becker sims and noticed that its marking answers as incorrect that look correct on the screen.
    1. I combined a JE to have one line for AP. The system marked it wrong and shows two line items.
    2. I entered a ratio 1.25 and it rounds to 1.3. The system marked it incorrect but the correct answer is 1.3.

    I don’t recall seeing a statement saying to round to the nearest 10th. Will real exam mark these items as incorrect? If I’m doing a correcting entry is it not ok o net the same account?


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  • #1761986

    Corrction – #2 was my mistake. I was looking at the wrong line item.

    Oops 🙂


    The real exam will format the number correctly for you. You'll run into these issues a lot with the review course sims. I wouldn't worry about it too much as there's nothing you can really do about it. Submit feedback to Becker and they may fix it. Gleim is good at getting back to me when I submit issues I encounter on their sims/MCQs.

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