Becker Review: 2 courses per month?

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  • #158850

    I am looking to start Becker in January. The exam instructor advised me it would be best to take FAR first and REG second. I did not know if it would be a good idea to take both courses at once (One is Sat & Sun, the other M/W) or if that would be too much info. I don’t need to work if this is a good idea.

    Also, how did you guys feel about the flashcards? I’m not extremely cheap but are they very helpful? A must?



    REG - 81 (2/2)
    BEC - 87 (2/28)
    FAR - 76 (4/18)
    AUD - 75 (5/20)

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  • #254837

    Question 1: Yes I think both are two much to take at once. You'll take on course on Saturday, and before you even have a chance to review your Sat/Sun materials, you will be prepping for your Monday class. Are you working full-time as well? I think the answer is definitely no if you are, but I still wouldn't even if you weren't. I don't know why anyone would advise this.

    Question 2: the flash cards are not a must. I barely used them. I think they would only be useful if you have too much time on your hands, i.e. you've reviewed the book and did each multiple choice many many times. before every exam, I was always reviewing the MC/text until the last minute because I felt there was material I still didn't know.


    Thanks DWade.

    Good to see another sports lover on here.

    REG - 81 (2/2)
    BEC - 87 (2/28)
    FAR - 76 (4/18)
    AUD - 75 (5/20)


    I agree with dwadecpa that both are too much to take at once. I'm not sure why you were advised that way..? There is so much information to understand, especially in FAR. It's easy to become overwhelmed while studying for one exam!

    Flashcards – I am one of the few that loved them! I carried them with me in my purse and anytime I had a few minutes (I spend a lot of time at my kids' practices for hockey, soccer, gymnastics) I would review a few at a time. They really helped reinforce the topics for me.

    Good luck!


    Yeah, I'd also agree that it might be a bit much, though I do have a friend who did that for FAR and AUD and passed them both time around, so it's doable if you have the motivation. Also, didn't use the flashcards that much looked them over once or twice but not much more.

    I personally think the best order to take the exam is FAR – AUD – REG – BEC. Taking FAR first helps immensely for the rest of the topics. AUD is a nice break from computations before diving into REG then finishing off with the oddities of BEC, just my two cents

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010


    I had someone in my BEC class that was doing BEC & REG together. They weren't working though and was fresh out of college.

    It would be a bit much though.


    That would be a horrible idea, in my opinion.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    FAR & REG are the heavier parts, while BEC and AUD are somewhat lighter.

    Also consider the lecture CDs. You can see if the classes work for you by going into one and checking them out, b/c they tend to be in giant conference rooms at hotels with hundreds of people (there's so many people in those things, no one really cares if you wander in/out; you can just tell the “book stamper” that you're checking it out). If I remember correctly, the Sat & Sun classes are a little crazy – 4 or 8 hours at a time. I think most people have an attention span of about 2 hours. Yes, there are breaks every few hours, but it's pretty normal to tune out after 3 hours. It's a waste if you're not getting the instruction you paid for b/c you're tired.

    Difference between the CDs and the lectures – very little material and presentation wise (and I believe very little cost-wise). Some guy standing in front of a microphone reading from the book and telling you to “highlight this” every 5-10 minutes. Are you afraid you might have questions to ask – nah, the CDs provide full written explanations for all practice questions. I would say nothing was so complicated or difficult that there wasn't an explanation for. There's also software updates from the Becker website every so often.

    The nice thing about the CDs are the logistics. If you're tired or bored, you can take a break whenever you want. You can rewind certain lecture portions if you want to hear it again. You don't have to worry about making it to class on time. You can study on your own time, when you are fresh and energized.

    I really can't pass again!


    Thanks for all the responses. Maybe I mis-understood my professor, maybe she just meant for me to take FAR first, then REG.

    I will NOT be working at all, so I was thinking I could crank through a hard and an easy one but I just want to put myself in the best position available.

    REG - 81 (2/2)
    BEC - 87 (2/28)
    FAR - 76 (4/18)
    AUD - 75 (5/20)

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