Becker Reg Final Exams

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  • #158935

    I just bombed the second Becker REG final exam. I didn’t bother averaging it out or weighing it, but it was probably along the lines of a 60%. I scored around a 74 (roughly) on the first one. My test is in 4 days. Am I doomed to fail? I thought that I knew the material fairly well. How do these relate to actual scores? Looking for any kind of comments/feedback and recommendations.

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  • #255246

    Don't panic!

    I scored the following on my Becker REG practice exams:

    Test #1:




    Total 56/72 = 77.78%

    Test #2:




    Total 50/72 = 69.44%

    Final total 106 / 144 = 73.61%.

    Your average is about 67%, only about 6.5% less than I scored. And I scored a 94 on the actual exam.

    You should be OK. Maybe you won't get a 94, but I think you're in decent shape. That 75 is certainly well within reach. Becker's practice tests are way harder than any actual exam I've taken so far.

    You have four days to keep the material fresh. Work progress tests from the PassMaster questions. Skim the book or your notes. Just keep working some questions, even just 50 a day, to keep the material fresh and keep your brain sharp.

    You will do fine on REG. Looking forward to hearing about your passing score.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Why don't you bother to average it? It isn't that difficult.

    I scored fairly similar to what whitesoxfan said also.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Thanks for the encouragement. This is my first section so I have nothing to compare the Becker q's/exams as opposed to the real exam. I have also been supplementing some gleim here or there when I feel that I might be starting to memorize the fact pattern or answers to the Becker q's


    How well have you been scoring on Gleim MCQ's? Just curious for my own sake since I'm also using Gleim.

    FAR-75, BEC-80, AUD-85, REG-79
    Gleim Review


    In the range of 75-85 on the gleim tax questions. I haven't really done much with the gleim law sections. I think that the tax questions are definitely a bit more challenging that Becker.

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