Becker Question – How many sections are/did you do per week?

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    Becker Question –

    How many sections were you able to do each week? I work full time and am finding it hard to do the two full sections per week that are required for my class. And i mean doing the lecture, all the MCQs, and the simulations.


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    I'm working full time and I manage to keep up with the online lecture schedule of 2 lectures per week with no problem.

    Before hand, I want to point out that there may be one key difference between my study plan and yours (or maybe this is just semantics): You mention completing all of the MCQ's for each lecture. Well I have been saving the Optional Practice MCQ's from each chapter until my Final Review, and I'd estimate that is a difference of having to complete 300+ extra questions over the course of the 10 lectures.

    Now with that aside, I really haven't had a problem keeping up, haven't fell behind once and I have completed 8 lectures.

    I budget 3 days per week for each lecture, their “required” homework questions, and sims.

    For example, I complete the lecture after work on Monday,complete the MCQ's on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wash, rinse repeat for Thursday through Saturday for the next lecture. Because I have a full day on Saturday, after I finish the MCQ's for the second lecture, I use the second half of the Saturday to work out the sims for both lectures.

    This leaves me an entire extra day for some “leisure” or to accommodate for any unpredictable issues that are brought up in my life. Being a young guy who is single and has only been working full time for a year, It's not like I really have much of a life to attend to like I'd figure many other posters here do, I basically have a free day Sunday, which I use half of to make sure I get some exercise, and the other half I use to complete progress tests on becker consisting of MCQ's from all of the chapters which have completed to date in order to make sure that I retain as much information as possible.

    What I think has been key for me is I make it a priority to get through the lecture in one sitting if I can – it really is doable. The only lecture I see myself having to split into two sessions is F-10 because it's over 4 hours in run time.

    FAR - 7/1/13 - 98
    AUD - 8/31/13 - 94
    BEC - 11/23/13 - 89
    REG - 1/13/14 - 86

    Study Materials:
    Becker - Online Course and Flash Cards


    I do one lecture a week. Working full time it gives enough time make it through lectures, reread section, hw, sims, and somewhat of a family life (Friday night is the only time I don't study). Works well for me and everyone has their own pace that is best for them.

    FAR - 83
    AUD - 79
    BEC - 78
    REG - 67 (3 weeks of study), 89 - I be done!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LA CPA #27472


    I've been having a hard time keeping up as well. I do complete all lectures and all MCQ (not the optional, im saving those). I however, don't seem to have enough time to complete the Simulations. I'm going to be working those during my review as well. But I have to say… Doing 2 chapters a week has kept me busy and actually studying…where before when I was doing self-study. i would maybe do 1 a week…….i wasn't really studying then. Decided to finally buckle down and get this exam over with.

    Oklahoma Candidate
    AUD - Pass (8/14)
    FAR - Pass (11/14)
    REG - Pass (2/15)
    BEC - Pass (11/15)
    Ethics Exam - Pass (12/15)


    I do best with one chapter a week, but can do two if I run out of my work exactly at 5pm, ignore my kids, don't do any laundry, cook, or clean the house at all. 5 Hour Energy helps a lot, too.

    I noticed recently that there are different people living in my house. They sortof resemble the kids I had before, but these ones are bigger and mouthier. I dunno.


    I'm barely able to do one section a week. I'm struggling to get the MCQ right the first time. Studying bonds right now and for some reason, I just can't keep up a good pace.

    AUD: 2/28/2013 - 86
    FAR: 10/19/2013 - 83
    REG: 1/6/2014 - 80
    BEC: 2/27/2014 - 81


    If you work full time, then aim for 1 week of going thru the lecture and making cards/notes/reading. And 1/2 week of completing all MCQ + sims.

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂


    I do about one section a week. Though, I usually only study about 2-3 hours weekdays and about 6 on Saturday. Sundays I relax and do errands.

    I do all multiple choice except optional, but I use them as a learning tool. Not trying to get everything right, but taking time to learn why I get it wrong and make notes.

    BEC section the videos killed me, I ended up beginning my studying over after 2 month break. I am now skipping the videos and slowly reading the chapter, while taking my own notes, and then doing MCQ. Its seems to not burn me out as much,

    Audit 10/2012- 77
    Reg- 1/7/13- 82
    Financial-2/25/13- 78
    BEC- 74,66,81!

    License pending : )

    Ethics- Passed
    Experience- Done

    Using Becker self study.
    **For BEC retake using Ninja Blitz, Ninja Notes, Ninja Audio, and WTB (my Becker expired)


    @SeattleAccountant-That's a good plan. So that would be one section every one and a half weeks? That takes a little too much time IMO but I'm sure it would help.

    @joch0803-I'd be able to do one a week if the MCQ weren't insanely hard sometimes. I'm averaging 50-60% first try. It's crazy.

    AUD: 2/28/2013 - 86
    FAR: 10/19/2013 - 83
    REG: 1/6/2014 - 80
    BEC: 2/27/2014 - 81


    I'm planning on doing 2 per week (starting last night) working full time and having a 6 year old. Right now I'm really motivated and it seems totally reasonable, but ask me again in 3 weeks haha. I'm about 2/3 through the 1st lecture and plan on watching the rest in a minute and then doing the MCQ/homework tonight after my son goes to bed. I've heard the best strategy is 1 hour in the morning, 1 at lunch, and 2-3 at night during the week, then a full day on Saturdays. Let us know how your first session goes with timing!


    I'm usually able to do 2 lectures/week working full time using Becker self study

    I plow through the lectures in 1 day, usually skipping ahead 10-15 seconds for longer pages, but making sure I write all of the notes down.

    I do all of the mandatory MC's, then the simulation over the next 2 days. After each chapter, I try to do a few progress tests, usually 30 MC's at a time.

    The 7th day is used for more progress tests, reviewing or relaxing.

    FAR (2/20/13): 76
    AUD (4/8/13): 78
    BEC: (5/20/13): 86
    REG: (7/10/13): 76
    Ethics: Done
    Operation "Hurry up and pass this thing before we have our first baby in October" COMPLETED


    I think the answer depends on your study ability and your workload during the day (if you are on a full-time job).

    Last summer, I studied AUD, REG, BEC, all of them were using the pace of 2 weeks to finish 3 chapters (including watch lectures, take notes, do MCQ) I saves all SIMS to my second level of review (which normally happen 2 weeks prior to the exam).

    This April and May, I studied first 6 chapter on the same pace as last summer, but took off 2 weeks full-time study for Chapter 7 – 10, and started second level of review.

    Just try to find the best study pace for yourself, that you are most comfortable with your progress, memorizing the materials. I don't suggest go too fast or too slow. I have a friend who study one chapter for 3 weeks, I don't have that much time, nor I will forget everything when I finish that chapter. But if you go too fast, probably you didn't study careful enough for your first round.

    Second round review is necessary for me, because I kind know what chapters to specifically look at.

    AUD - 76 (May 2012)
    BEC - 81 (July 2012)
    REG - 61 (Aug 2012), rematch 83 (October 2012)
    FAR - 85 (May 2013)

    Based on Becker 2012 self-study.
    Currently licensed PA CPA since July 2013.


    Everybody is different, so do what you will, but I would not recommend keeping the optional practice questions til the end for two reasons. 1) The option practice questions generally make the other homework look like a joke – that ish is hard as hell. I would NOT want to have the soul-crushing blow of doing those for the first time in my review when the material isn't as fresh. 2) The more you see each question the better. I would much prefer brushing up during my final review stage then seeing completely new stuff.


    2-3 chapters per week

    FAR (5/07/13): 96


    I didn't do any optional questions for FAR, but did finish every single one for normal MCQ home work.

    For AUD, BEC and REG, I finished every single question including optional MCQ.

    AUD - 76 (May 2012)
    BEC - 81 (July 2012)
    REG - 61 (Aug 2012), rematch 83 (October 2012)
    FAR - 85 (May 2013)

    Based on Becker 2012 self-study.
    Currently licensed PA CPA since July 2013.

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