Becker progress tests down?

  • Creator
  • #2016155

    Hi all,
    I am studying for FAR next week and have been doing Becker progress tests for each chapter. I did several sets of 10 this morning and had not issues. All of a sudden, I will finish a progress test and go to review the results and the page goes grey. Anyone else experiencing this? I’m super frustrated finishing questions and not being able to look at results.

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  • Author
  • #2017145

    I’m facing this issue too with AUD. you can check your score from “saved tests” icon, but you cannot review the wrong/correct answers.

    If any one found a solution please share with us. Really frustrating.


    Same thing is happened to me. I did two sets of questions and saw the report fine, and then on my third one it just stopped working and I can't get back in. Super frustrating.

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