Becker Practice Exam

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  • #172425

    I just took my first Becker Practice Test for AUD. I got 71% on the MCQ and mixed results from the simulations. I am officially freaking out and having mental/emotional meltdown because I have AUD exam on the 11th. I cannot believe some of the questions I got wrong but overall, just disappointed that I got such a low score. Is this any indication of how I will perform on the real exam? Am I destined to fail? Please help

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  • #355960

    Honestly, I dont know if Im going to be of much help : BUT

    I think that if youre that close and realize why you made the simple mistakes you made, you should be fine for the exam: just be confident while taking it, breathe, relax, and read the entire question and all the choices.

    I read on here in other posts that members of the forum would get in the 60s and still pass the exam.

    I'm in my final review stages and have my exam scheduled for July 27. I know I will be freaking out as bad as you if not worse when I take my Becker Final Exam practice test… I get very nervous and anxious by nature (the guy who always thinks he fails even if I do know material) but in any case..

    I think you will be fine!


    No, I never pass the Becker exams lol. Don't freak out, you've still got plenty of time to keep reviewing the material; you can redo a lot of MCQ's in a week. I think with Audit repitition is key. I think Becker prepared me really well for that section, you will be pleasantly surprised I promise! Just keep plugging away and I'm sure you'll pass. Becker questions are harder than the real deal anyways. Good luck! 🙂

    FAR - 82
    BEC - 77
    AUD - 79
    REG - 81

    Done 🙂


    Thanks guys! This is my first section. Then on the 30th, I take FAR. Is that too soon? Any suggestions about how I should approach?


    You are taking FAR less than three weeks after AUD? Wow. I usually take several months in between exams, and I am sure people will say it's technically doable in 3 weeks but damn. If you devote every waking moment to it, I'm sure you can pass. I'm just not wired that way. I do about 5 hours a day, seven days a week, one lesson per week. It's worked for me so far.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    Well I've watched ALL the lectures except the last one already. I have finished all the homework as well. So I basically have to redo all the homework questions and do progress tests and practice tests. I have the flash cards and I'm going to review them as well. I'm sure I have to watch the lectures again and study the lessons again. I do not work full-time yet so technically I have all day to study, and as much as I plan on studying 8+ hours a day, I can't seem to do it more than 4 hours. I've watched lectures and finished all relevant homework in one day so I guess maybe that's why I feel like I can do it in less than 3 weeks. Big motivation is that I do not want to be studying while I work. Anybody who's taken FAR section using Becker have opinions about how well the MCQ's from FAR section prepared them for the test?


    I think you will be just fine, I think it's best to go through all the questions twice and you are well on your way. Since there are so many flashcards, I like to pull out a few that I think are the most important topics and study those in the days leading up to the test. I think Becker over-prepares you for FAR though. Some of those Becker questions can take a long time to work out, and you won't have stuff like that on the exam. The exam simplifies things much more, I think anyway. It sounds like you're in good shape though, I think as long as you keep with your studies there's no reason you wouldn't pass! Good luck, let us know how it goes!

    FAR - 82
    BEC - 77
    AUD - 79
    REG - 81

    Done 🙂


    Im taking BEC 4 weeks after AUD, hope its enough time too lol


    I'm taking the AUD exam on the 11th as well, and I'm totally freaking out lol. Good luck on yours… I can only speak from my BEC experience with the Becker practice exams, but I would recommend using the practice exams as a gauge on what topics you know well and what topics you want to look at or make an outline for. As someone who's taken and re-taken these sections, I can tell you that some of the Becker practice exam questions have shown up on the actual cpa exam before.

    CPA license in progress....

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