Becker Mnemonics = too much . . .

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  • #176344

    So – does anybody else think that the mnemonics that Becker uses are often useless? The letters they use in the mnemonics often relate to an obscure part of a phrase rather than to a specific word. Some of them, admittedly, are quite useful – but others of them are simply dreadful and don’t serve as effective memory aids. Anybody feel the same?

    At any rate – I’m taking AUD on Wednesday and am feeling pretty good! I hope I pass!

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    There are a few key ones in audit that I remember, but for the most part they're a stretch. I think you will find the ones included in the FAR material are more useful

    Sidenote: looks like you are planning to take FAR in March, and….. that isn't possible. You can't test in March.



    I don't think the mnemonics are helping me as well for audit. I'm just purely memorizing them instead…

    @CPAorBust2013, did you spend a good chunk of time on IT and Audit Sampling?

    BEC: Passed
    REG: Passed
    FAR: Almost Past (lol)
    AUD: I thought I passed with flying colors, but I wasn't close!


    I didn't use any of the mnemonics for FAR or AUD, but I am using a couple for REG. REG just seems to have a lot more pure memorization than the first two I studied for.


    I like RAPMEAM, CRIME, and COVERU. The others are ridiculous…I mean there's one like AMISADMR….. I remember thinking during the videos, “Are you freaking kidding me?” after about the 10th crazy long pneumonic in a row.

    For FAR and REG, they were really helpful though!

    F - 85 (11/2012)
    R - 87 (1/2013)
    A - 92 (2/2013)
    B - 90 (4/2013)



    I liked the Becker mnemonics on the other three, but I agree, they took a few too many liberties on some of them. For a couple, I chose to alter them slightly. I don't have my book in front of me, but I remember that I didn't use CEO APROVED for the PCAOB stuff (it was annoying to remember a whole new set when in fact there are only really 2 changes for the PCAOB). Instead, I remembered COVERU and then added presentation and disclosure, for COVERUP'D. There were a couple of instances where I did stuff like that and it helped.


    @cpa runner – yeah, that was a mistaken keystroke : ) I am taking it April, 20th. I'll have to fix that – thanks for pointing it out.

    @MinSeokYi – I spent more time on Audit Sampling than I did on IT. That being said, I spent quite a bit of time on Audit Sampling.

    @whatamidoing – Yeah – the AMISADMRFIRSALA was the straw that broke the camels back for me as well.

    I've made sure to memorize, and more importantly understand the COVERU mnemonic. I've memorized the COVERU mnemonic as it applies to Transactions, Balances, and Disclosures – so hopefully that will come in handy.

    I have spent the most time on A4 – it's definitely got the most information that isn't intuitive. It takes some concentration. I hope I pass!


    RAPE MAN? C'mon Gearty!


    I don't know about Becker mnemonics but I never liked Gleim's. I can remember the mnemonic but not what it stands for, which does absolutely no good: Carrie Ran Cattle in Montana (couldn't tell u); I ate pie for money (which I felt very inappropriate and again, couldn't tell you what that one is for).

    Roger CPA uses really good ones because he makes a story out of it so you remember. Maybe try making a story out of Becker's?


    Bumping this thread because I agree. I've been writing down all the AUD mnemonics as I go so I have them in one place, and I already have 13 through the first two chapters.

    “So that's an easy way for you to remember those items.” – Gearty

    It's not so easy when there are 30 of them, Tim.

    F - 86
    R - 90
    A - 97
    B - 91


    Do mnemonics even help during the exam? Did you guys find yourselves recalling them?


    I found some of them useful for FAR and REG. Those two sections didn't have as many as AUD appears to though. I'm afraid all of these going to blend together and become worthless.

    F - 86
    R - 90
    A - 97
    B - 91

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