Becker live classes online worth it?

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  • #2126982

    I’m having a hard time staying on track with my CPA studies and looking into this course for structure and accountability. Anyone use Becker CPA Review’s live classes and found it worth it?

    I’m a bit of a slow learner.



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  • #2127069

    Interestingly enough, I'm a bit of a slow learner as well and I decided to sign up for Becker Live Online for the same reasons as you. The course does everything it says it will (IMO). However, it moves VERY fast! That doesn't help a slow learner like myself. No matter how hard I tried, I still fell behind which cuts down on your confidence. The upside is I still had the online format to fall back on. When I could logon for class having the ability to hear different instructors present the information was beneficial. All-in-all it's just like the online format except for the fact that you can send in your questions and have them answered by the coordinators during the class as opposed to sending them in via the Becker website. The instructors are still saying highlight this and highlight that LOL.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    Thanks for the feedback. Appears you have passed 2 sections already that’s great! How many hours a week did you dedicate to study/class?


    Thanks. Thats my biggest fear is that it will move way to fast and i will not get anything out of it.

    Jimmy Dugan

    I have it and attended about half the lectures for REG and none for BEC, passing both. I am studying for AUD now and have not attended any of the live lectures. The live lectures are fine, IF you have a good instructor. I was hit or miss after sitting through 6-7 classes total. The ones in which I had good instruction were fantastic. I learned a ton and felt better than I would have just studying myself. But when you have someone simply reading to you from the textbook for hours and hours, that's pretty disheartening. I jumped off a couple of class sessions simply because that's all we were doing.

    If you are looking for a real motivator, go ahead and pay your exam fees and schedule the test, 5-6 weeks out. Leave yourself only 2 weeks to get all the way through the book or course, then 3-4 weeks to review and do a bunch of MCQ. Having that exam on the calendar with the clock ticking is a much better way to stay on track than any particular mode of study.

    I think most of the value for Becker is in the book. It works like magic for me; I had the Roger course for FAR and admittedly passed it, but the book was massive and very difficult to concentrate on for any amount of time. I had to rely on his lectures a lot more because I couldn't use the book as effectively. The Becker book for all sections is about 1/3 the size of Roger or Wiley, get explains the important items in more clear, concise language. Anything I can't understand from reading the book, I'll view the National lecture to help. For what it's worth, I think the Becker course (even just the online version without live online classes) is the cadillac of CPA Prep. You'll find just as many that say Roger, but I thought his lectures were way too long and the book was marginal at best. The key is to find something that works for you.

    And go ahead and schedule the exam.

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