Becker Live Online vs Becker Live?

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  • #1612587

    Hi! I’m just beginning my CPA exam review and studying, and am considering two options: Becker’s Live classes, or their new “Live Online” classes. Has anyone done the latter? Or, if you’ve done either of them, did you feel adequately prepared by the class, homework and practice tests once the class was finished? Or did you take a few extra weeks to review the material before taking the exam? I’m wondering if I need to have a buffer week or two between the end of the class and the exam date. Thanks in advance!

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  • #1614167

    Where do you live? You'll need to hear the experience from someone who lives nearby you. Get the name of the instructor.

    The overall feeling is the normal live is not worth it. However there are pockets of incredible teachers.


    I've been doing the Live Online because I live 2 hours from Dallas and can't do the actual live so I can't speak to the actual Live classes. But I do not like the Live Online class, the self study lectures work better for me.


    I have done both the online and in person classes. Personally I like the online or self study because they both are using the exact same material and with self study you can stop and go back at any point to listen to something you didn't understand. The benefit to the in person classes is you have access to instructors to help you with problem homework. So it really comes down to how you learn best as to which one you use. I don't think you will go wrong either way.


    @SheilaTX- If you're only 2 hours from Dallas, take the live final review with liliana (FAR, AUD, and BEC). If you are willing to make the drive, her Saturday classes for the actual material would be worth it too if she still has them.


    @ageis0101 I took the BEC final review from her and she is an awesome teacher. It's very hard to get to Dallas that early on a Saturday, sit through an entire day of class and drive home, so I got a hotel room before. That just adds more expense to this whole experience. I think it may be worth it for Audit, though.


    @sheilatx — was the the bec review she had 3-4 weeks ago? I was in that one (that was my final test). I think her AUD and FAR final reviews were extremely valuable, I ended up doing much better than expected on those.


    @sheilaTX, her audit final review is the best. I scored my worst score on any test in audit and then did her class and then the final review and scored my best score and last test on audit. She is really the reason I was able to pass them all. She is the best! I'd say if you can get to Dallas, then do it. It's worth the investment, believe me!

    FAR - 64,71,64,71,75!!!!
    REG - 64,63,65,68, July
    BEC - 69,74, July
    AUD - 53, June 8th


    Has anyone taken the in-person classes in TX lately. I need one for FAR the next exam period.


    @SheilaTX can you explain in more detail the set up of the online classes?

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