Becker live classes and testing order

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    So I am new to everything CPA exam, I just became eligible. I am signed up for Becker which starts 6-1-10 with Reg, followed by BEC, FAR, & AUD. I have seen that most prefer starting with FAR, then AUD. My question is it looks like I have no choice other than the order that becker has arranged the classes? Am I wrong?

    FAR - 81 (8/31/12)
    AUD - 93 (10/19/12)
    BEC - 79 (11/27/12)
    REG - 92 (2/8/13) DONE! All 1st attempt!

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  • #228429

    If you are taking live classes your options are limited. I wouldn't worry about the order. Take the exam after the corresponding review course. It's true to an extent that what you learn in FAR might help you in AUD, but I highly doubt it'll make or break your score. And let's be honest here, there is overlap in all of the sections with all of the other sections. A case can be made for all different orders. Take your live classes, study hard, and you'll pass, regardless of the order they're in. If the order was THAT important, the classes would be set up differently. Remember, Becker WANTS you to pass so they look better and so you'll tell your accounting friends.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Hi tjones. Here's my two cents—

    I took FAR first. I felt that if I can pass that one, I could most likely pass the others. Plus, since I've heard from the majority that FAR is the toughest to pass, I wanted the 18-month clock to start with that one (as opposed to starting with an “easier” one and having the credit drop off the table). I went to the live Becker class for FAR, but I wish I had just started with the self-study. The self-study allowed me to be more flexible with my schedule. Plus you can stop the lecture if you don't understand a topic, or to attend to something else. So, with that said, if you can follow through on the self-study, you can prepare and take the exams in any order you want (as opposed to being limited to Becker's class schedule). Hope that makes sense.

    I followed up FAR in this order: BEC, AUD, REG. There's nothing magic about this order. But, my approach was to start out with the hardest, and finish with what I guessed would be the second hardest (and I would say that was correct).

    Becker does a good job of preparing you if you follow their formula. I'm sure Yaeger is good too, but I don't have any experience with them, other than what Jeff and others have said on this site. I'm sure there are other opinions on the best approach.

    Lastly, if you decide to switch from LIVE to SELF, I'm sure Becker will work with you to change that. If you do it soon enough, they might not charge you an extra fee for the switch.

    Best of luck!

    FAR 86, BEC 82, AUD 80, REG 83 Done, thank God - CA


    I took Becker live for my first section (AUD) & then home study for the rest only because their live schedule didn't fit for me when I wanted to schedule the other three exams. The good thing about the live class is that you are there & “stuck” for lack of a better word and you can easily stay to finish that section instead of the 100's of distractions you would have elsewhere. I would have taken all the live classes since I wasn't as disciplined as I had planned watching the lectures & took 2-3 times as long. The downside as mentioned by No2pencil is that you can't rewind something you missed. I had many notes about portions I needed to watch again but if time allows, it's not a bad idea anyway.

    I have no idea how it works if you bought all 4 parts at once (I didn't, cost $2k more individually) or if you signed up for home or live. Overall I did alot wrong when it comes to this exam. Can't tell you what's best, can tell you what's worse.


    I did buy all sections at once, and the materials came in today! I am not sure how everyone else was, but I am really excited! I can't wait to dive in and get immersed in this stuff which I know sounds very strange, but I love challenges and I figure it doesn't hurt to start out excited because I know there will be plenty of low times to endure through. I will stick with the live classes and hopefully I can maintain focus so this time next year I am planning a celebration vacation!

    FAR - 81 (8/31/12)
    AUD - 93 (10/19/12)
    BEC - 79 (11/27/12)
    REG - 92 (2/8/13) DONE! All 1st attempt!


    Yeah, getting the materials was exciting. It wears off quick though.

    I took the Becker live classes and loved them. I too was subject to their schedule and order. It has worked out so far for me and I'm just waiting on FAR scores and hopefully I'm done.

    If you are willing to put in the time it take the Becker live classes will get you through the exam pretty quickly. It is an aggressive timeline, but doable.

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