Becker Live Classes

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  • #159179

    Can someone please provide their experience with the Becker Live Classes for REG. I’ve decided that my past study “self study” habits aren’t going to cut it for REG. I need the discipline of a live class schedule and am willing to consider shelling out the cash to take this class. There is a Tue/Thurs session over the course of 1 month in my area that fits in very well with my examination schedule requirements. Also, please address how much time outside of the class is recommended by the Becker people to become adequately prepared for the exam.


    FAR- 86
    BEC- 78
    REG - 87
    AUD- 89 DONE!

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  • #257016

    Are you using Becker currently?

    Personally, I didn't find the classes to be very worthwhile. All the class consisted of was watching the Becker videos and doing the practice questions as a group. To be fair, I only attended 2 because they were an hour drive away before I switched to Becker's “self-study” method, which is just watching the videos on your own. If you lack discipline, however, the class route may be just what you need. The Becker study plan calls for spending up to 13 hours per lesson outside of class. I would imagine that not counting review before the exam, the typical person spends 6-10 hours per lesson.

    FAR - 98; AUD - 94; REG - 95; BEC - Waiting;
    Becker Scholarship for Success (I got it free :))


    Thanks Sam2k. After sitting on it for a few hours, I don't think the benefits of having scheduled classes is going to outweigh the added cost of these classes. If my cost was subsidized by somebody else, I probably would do this, but it's just too pricey! $1k for 1 class is ridiculous – especially if the class simply consists of watching videos!

    After reading a few reviews and watching the tutorials, I think I'm going to give Yaeger/Wiley a try.

    Thanks for your input.

    FAR- 86
    BEC- 78
    REG - 87
    AUD- 89 DONE!


    I have to tell you, rollwithit, those classes were phenominal! I had to pay for the course (didn't get it for free) and therefore attended every single class becuase I was in a similar situation you described above…self study didn't work for me and I needed structure. I would recommend those classes to anyone.

    Have you already started using a different review course for other sections? I also tried to use Wiley/Gleim and I hated each of those equally as much. The Becker materials really lay the information out in a format that is easy to understand.

    However, each person has their own reasons for doing what they did or recommending what they do. 🙂


    I used the Bisk Self Study (software) for the 3 other sections and passed all three. I was happy with the “read chapter, answer questions” format it provided. That's typically how I study best.

    For whatever reason, I can't retain all the concepts for REG (failed twice). There are just too many rules, exceptions to rules, exceptions to exceptions, etc. I feel that I just need somebody to lay it all out there visually for me so I can more easily grasp the application of the hotly tested REG topics. I think just hearing and watching somebody go through the concepts I've yet to full grasp would do a lot of good for me. A class would be ideal, but it's the visual presentation that I most need in this case. I just can't feel comfortable spending that much $$$ on a class where I may or may not have a quality instructor. I've watched a few tutorials of this Yaeger guy and from what I've read it's been largely positive. I feel like I at least know what to expect with this guy and will be spending MUCH less.

    FAR- 86
    BEC- 78
    REG - 87
    AUD- 89 DONE!


    It is much cheaper than Becker, however the instructors I had with Becker were amazing (and yes I realize that there are different instructors for each location). My REG course was taught primarily by CPA Attorneys who were VERY knowledgeable on the subject matter. They weren't particularly interesting to listen to, but they got the job done.

    The actual Becker lectures are done via CD rom so the same information is communicated at all locations – the instructors just chime in as needed and throw out good examples or helpful hints as the lectures go on. Like I said, I'd really recommend it, but everyones situation is different. I think Becker may have a tutorial on their website where you can get a preview of it too. I'd just check it out and see so you have a good comparison when you make the decision.


    if I am reading the above correctly, are people saying that the LIVE class was just watching the video presentation as a group? that is not what I had in NJ. out of the all the live sections I attended, I think REG was presented the best. as noted, it depends on the instructors. hope that helps.

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