Becker Live Class Feedback

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  • #1862143

    I’m signed up to take the Becker classes starting this Saturday in Houston, TX. Has anyone taken the live classes who could provide feedback? Are they helpful or a waste of time?

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  • #1863187

    I started with Live classes when I first started the CPA journey – I thought they were helpful. Make sure to stay on top of the multiple choice after the lecture. I preferred having a live teacher rather than a lecture online, but it was nice to still have Peter Olinto/Tim Gearty lectures available if you needed a touchup. My becker teachers varied – some were better than others. When I moved to the city I was starting my job in, I also did some live virtual classes which I liked because we didnt have live classes in the state i was in. All in all I think it depends what kind of learner/studier you are. I liked the class cause I would be a little more forced to focus/pay attention.


    Thanks for your help! I prefer to have a live teacher as well so I can stay focused and be forced to stay on top of things, which is why I want to try the live classes. I didn't do well on AUD and REG, which I only self-studied for.


    @divs me too!! just literally make sure to do the homework right after or you will fall behind. Also – do two weeks of review after all the regular classes are done. Honestly, the 2 weeks was crucial to me passing! GOOD LUCK! you got this!


    I took the live session in Dallas with Lilliana Hickman-Ricks. Simply stated no one will prepare you better than she will!


    Unfortunately I won't be taking the class in Dallas, I'm in Houston. I hope to get the same experience you did! Overall, how are the class sections structured?

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