Becker is great and all but I just cant understand REG 3 (Corporations).

  • Creator
  • #164397

    Becker Question –

    Are there any other additional resources that I can use to understand corporate taxes? I have no idea how I got a B in Corporate tax..

    AUD - 11/16/2011 - 86
    REG - 1/12/2012 - 77
    BEC - 2/29/2012 - 90
    FAR - 11/29/2012 - 85

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  • Author
  • #314660

    Are there any specific issues that are giving you problems?

    How many times have you listened to the Becker lecture and done the Becker multiple choice?

    Have you looked through the NINJA Notes?

    Do you have the Wiley testbank?


    I have done the MCQ once and listened to the lecture once. I understand that i should do that more and I will but i need more than Becker questions. I start to memorize the answers after going through them twice.

    And it is seriously EVERYTHING in corps that is giving me prolems. Ill def. look into the wiley test bank

    AUD - 11/16/2011 - 86
    REG - 1/12/2012 - 77
    BEC - 2/29/2012 - 90
    FAR - 11/29/2012 - 85


    meh so expensive

    AUD - 11/16/2011 - 86
    REG - 1/12/2012 - 77
    BEC - 2/29/2012 - 90
    FAR - 11/29/2012 - 85


    $87 is expensive? What is expensive is retaking exam after exam. I would definitely suggest getting the Wiley online test bank. You said above that you start to memorize the Becker questions. That is bad news because you wont be able to gauge whether or not you are grasping the concepts. I would read the chapter word for word, listen to the lecture for that chapter once again, and then do a ton of multiple choice questions that you have never seen before.

    Do the individual taxes give you problems? If not, focus on all the similarities between the two. Then just learn the differences.


    I agree with Mini, the Wiley test bank is reasonable. I do think Gleim (also has a free trial) has a testbank that is probably pretty close in price also. There is always cpareviewforfree–which is free, or they have some testbanks that you can buy.

    If that doesn't work for you, then I would say check out youtube. I know that Roger has some REG videos out there, you might find others.

    Good luck.


    Which part don't you get?






    The only past that is tough is I think Operation


    Don't try to learn every little detail but what they emphasize in the book and in the lectures. Try to segment it off into accounting issues (shareholder vs corporation basis problems), opening & closing corporation, & bylaws articles of organization etc rules.

    Once you get one segment down move on to the next one.

    That's what I did.

    REG 85 first try


    I found it helpful to print out the corporate tax schedules from and have them in front of me as I went through the sections (having never prepared a corporate tax schedule in my life). It can help you see the flow of the tax calculations. For example, is the AMT schedule, including the the ACE calculation and the exemption phase-out, all on one page.

    IRS spends a lot of resources trying to make their forms and instructions as clear as possible (given the complexities of the tax code). That said, there's a certain level of detail beyond which the CPA exam does not go, so don't go crazy with the IRS materials.

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